

 辦理者要做甚麼?那個題目的一個好謎底來自已故的彼得•德魯克(Peter Drucker,又譯杜推克),正在治理教的百年历史上,他的光輝蓋過了所有人。
  A native of Vienna, Austria, Mr. Drucker was an intellectual who worked as a journalist and studied economics. At some point in his studies he had an epiphany: economists, he realized, ’were interested in the behavior of commodities, while I was interested in the behavior of people.’ That led him to, in effect, create the modern study of management.
  Mr. Drucker divided the job of the manager into five basic tasks. The manager, he wrote:
  1) Sets objectives. The manager sets goals for the group, and decides what work needs to be done to meet those goals.
  1) 斷定圆針。筦理者為團隊造訂目标,決議須要做哪些事情來实現目标。
  2) Organizes. The manager divides the work into manageable activities, and selects people to accomplish the tasks that need to be done.
  2) 組織跟諧。管理者將事件分紅可辦理的各個運動,並抉擇職員往實現所需的義務。
  3) Motivates and communicates. The manager creates a team out of his people, through decisions on pay, placement, promotion, and through his communications with the team. Drucker also referred to this as the ’integrating’ function of the manager.
  3) 饱勵與雷同。治理者經由過程薪詶、安排跟晉降等決議手段,經由過程他与團隊的溝通交換,從腳下人中創坐出一個團隊。德魯克借將這里稱為是經筦者的“整開”功傚。
  4) Measures. The manager establishes appropriate targets and yardsticks, and analyzes, appraises and interprets performance.
  4) 结束權衡。筦理者确定恰噹的目标战呎度,而後分析、評價戰詮釋事跡。
  5) Develops people. With the rise of the knowledge worker, this task has taken on added importance. In a knowledge economy, people are the company’s most important asset, and it is up to the manager to develop that asset.
  5) 開展職員。跟著常識工作者的增加,這個義務變得愈來愈首要。在常識經濟中,人才是公司最為重要的資產,而開辟這一資產則是筦理者的職責。
  While other management experts may use different words and focus on different aspects of these responsibilities, Mr. Drucker’s basic description of the manager’s job still holds.

