
翻譯:President Bush Participates in Major Economies Meeting on Energy Security and Cl - 英語演講

September 28, 20

10:09 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Thank you. Wele to the State Department. I'm honored to address this historic meeting on energy security and climate change. And I appreciate you all being here.

Energy security and climate change are two of the great challenges of our time. The United States takes these challenges seriously. The world's response will help shape the future of the global economy and the condition of our environment for future generations. The nations in this room have special responsibilities. We represent the world's major economies, we are major users of energy, and we have the resources and knowledge base to develop clean energy technologies.

Our guiding principle is clear: We must lead the world to produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions, and we must do it in a way that does not undermine economic growth or prevent nations from delivering greater prosperity for their people. We know this can be done. Last year America grew our economy while also reducing greenhouse gases. Several other nations have made similar strides.

This progress points us in the right direction, but we've got to do more. So before this year's G8 summit, I announced that the United States will work with other nations to establish a new international approach to energy security and climate change. Today's meeting is an important step in this process. With the work we begin today, we can agree on a new approach that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, strengthen energy security, encourage economic growth and sustainable development, and advance negotiations under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. (Applause.)

I thank the State Department for hosting this event. I appreciate members of my Cabinet who have joined us today. I thank Jim Connaughton, who is the Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality, for being here. I appreciate you being the personal representative of this, and I hope you're doing -- I hope you think he's doing a fine job. (Applause.)

I wele Minister Rachmat, the Minister of Environment of Indonesia, who is the Chairman of the uping U.N. climate meeting in December. I wele Mr. de Boer, who is the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. I wele all the ministers and delegates who are here. We really appreciate you ing. I thank the ambassadors for joining this august group. I thank members of the Congress who have taken time to e by: Congressman Ed Markey of Massachusetts and Congressman Bart Gordon of Tennessee. I appreciate you taking time to e by and participate in these meetings.

Every day energy brings countless benefits to our people. Energy powers new hospitals and schools so we can live longer and more productive lives. Energy transforms the way we produce food, so we can feed our growing populations. Energy enables us to travel and municate across great distances, so we can expand trade and prosperity. Energy sustains the world's most advanced economies,五姊妹翻譯社11, which makes it possible for us to devote resources to fighting hunger and disease and poverty around the globe.

In this new century, the need for energy will only grow. Much of this increased demand will e from the developing world, where nations will need more energy to build critical infrastructure and grow their economies, improve the lives of their people. Overall, the demand for energy is expected to rise by more than 50 percent by 2030.

This growing demand for energy is a sign of a vibrant, global economy. Yet it also possesses -- poses serious challenges, and one of them, of course, is energy security. Right now much of the world's energy es from oil, and much of the oil es from unstable regions and rogue states. This dependence leaves the global economy vulnerable to supply shocks and shortages and manipulation, and to extremists and terrorists who could cause great disruptions of oil shipments.

Another challenge is climate change. Our understanding of climate change has e a long way. A report issued earlier this year by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded both that global temperatures are rising and that this is caused largely by human activities. When we burn fossil fuels we release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and the concentration of greenhouse gases has increased substantially.

For many years those who worried about climate change and those who worried about energy security were on opposite ends of the debate. It was said that we faced a choice between protecting the environment and producing enough energy. Today we know better. These challenges share a mon solution: technology. By developing new low-emission technologies, we can meet the growing demand for energy and at the same time reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, our nations have an opportunity to leave the debates of the past behind,华硕打字排版, and reach a consensus on the way forward. And that's our purpose today.

No one country has all the answers, including mine. The best way to tackle this problem is to think creatively and to learn from other's experiences and to e together on a way to achieve the objectives we share. Together, our nations will pave the way for a new international approach on greenhouse gas emissions.

This new approach must involve all the world's largest producers of greenhouse gas emissions, including developed and developing nations. We will set a long-term goal for reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. By setting this goal, we acknowledge there is a problem. And by setting this goal, we mit ourselves to doing something about it.

By next summer, we will convene a meeting of heads of state to finalize the goal and other elements of this approach, including a strong and transparent system for measuring our progress toward meeting the goal we set. This will require concerted effort by all our nations. Only by doing the necessary work this year will it be possible to reach a global consensus at the U.N. in 2009.

Each nation will design its own separate strategies for making progress toward achieving this long-term goal. These strategies will reflect each country's different energy resources, different stages of development, and different economic needs.

There are many policy tools that nations can use, including a variety of market mechanisms, to create incentives for panies and consumers to invest in new low-emission energy sources. We will also form working groups with leaders of different sectors of our economies, which will discuss ways of sharing technology and best practices.

Each nation must decide for itself the right mix of tools and technologies to achieve results that are measurable and environmentally effective. While our strategies may be differentiated, we share a mon responsibility to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while keeping our economies growing.

The key to this effort will be the advance of clean energy technologies. Since I became President, the United States government has invested nearly $18 billion to research, develop and promote clean and efficient energy technologies. The private sector here in our country has responded with significant investments, ranging from corporate research and development to venture capital. Our investments in research and technology are bringing the world closer to a remarkable breakthrough -- an age of clean energy where we can power our growing economies and improve the lives of our people and be responsible stewards of the earth the Almighty trusted to our care.

The age of clean energy requires transforming the way we produce electricity. Electric power plants that burn coal are the world's leading cause of greenhouse gas emissions. The world's supply of coal is secure and abundant. And our challenge is take advantage of it while maintaining our mitment to the environment. One promising solution is advanced clean coal technology. The future of this technology will allow us to trap and store carbon emissions and air pollutants produced by burning coal. Since 2001 the United States has invested more than $2.5 billion to research and develop clean coal. And in partnership with other nations and the private sector we're moving closer to a historic achievement -- producing energy from the world's first zero-emissions coal-fired plant.

We also need to take advantage of clean safe nuclear power. Nuclear power is the one existing source of energy that can generate massive amounts of electricity without causing any air pollution or greenhouse gas emissions. Without the world's 439 nuclear power plants, there would be nearly 2 billion additional tons of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere each year. And by expanding the use of nuclear power, we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions even more.

The United States is working to reduce barriers to new nuclear power plants in our country without promising safety. Just last week, a pany applied for approval to build the first new nuclear reactor in my country since the since the 1970s. As we build new reactors here in the United States, we're also working to bring the benefits of nuclear energy to other countries.

My administration established a new initiative called the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership. This partnership will work with nations with advanced civilian nuclear energy programs, such as France and Japan and China and Russia. Together we will help developing nations obtain secure, cost-effective and proliferation-resistant nuclear power, so they can have a reliable source of zero-emissions energy.

We'll also need to expand our use of two other promising sources of zero-emissions energy, and that's wind and solar power. Wind power is being cost-effective in many parts of America. We've increased wind energy production by more than 300 percent. We also launched the Solar America Initiative to lower the cost of solar power, so we can make -- help make this technology petitive, as well. Taken together, low-carbon technologies like wind and solar power have the potential to one day provide up to 20 percent of America's electricity.

The age of clean energy also requires transforming the way we fuel our cars and trucks. Almost all our vehicles run on gasoline or diesel fuel. This means we produce greenhouse gas emissions whenever we get behind the wheel. Transportation accounts for about 20 percent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions every year. To reduce these emissions we must reduce our dependence on oil. So America is investing in new, clean alternatives. We're investing millions of dollars to develop the next generation of sustainable biofuels like cellulosic ethanol, which means we'll use everything from wood chips to grasses to agricultural waste to make ethanol.

We're offering tax credits to encourage Americans to drive fuel-efficient hybrid vehicles. We're working to develop next-generation plug-in hybrids that will be able to travel nearly 40 miles without using a drop of gasoline. And your automobile doesn't have to look like a golf cart. (Laughter.)

We're on track to meet our pledge of investing $1.2 billion to develop advanced hydrogen-powered vehicles that emit pure water instead of exhaust fumes. We're also taking steps to make sure these technologies reach the market. We've asked Congress to set a new mandatory -- I repeat, mandatory -- fuel standard that requires 35 billion gallons of renewable and other alternative fuels in 2017, and to reform fuel economy standards for cars the same way we did for light trucks. Together these two steps will help us cut America's consumption of gasoline by 20 percent in 10 years. It's an initiative I've called 20-in-10.

Ushering in the age of clean energy is an historic undertaking. We take it seriously here in the United States. Achieving this vision will require major investment in innovation by all our nations. Today the United States and Japan fund most of the research and development for clean energy technologies. Meeting the objectives we share and the goal we're going to set will require all the nations in this hall to increase their clean energy research and development investments.

We must also work to make these technologies more widely available, especially in the developing world. So today I propose that we join together to create a new international clean technology fund. This fund will be supported by contributions from governments from around the world, and it will help finance clean energy projects in the developing world. I've asked Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson to coordinate this effort, and he plans to begin exploratory discussions with your countries over the next several months.

At the same time, we also must promote global free trade in energy technology. The most immediate and effective action we can take is to eliminate tariff and non-tariff barriers on clean energy goods and services.

As we work to transform the way we produce energy, we must also address another major factor in climate change, which is deforestation. The world's forests help reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere by storing carbon dioxide. But when our forests disappear, the concentration of greenhouse gas levels rise in the atmosphere. Scientists estimate that nearly 20 percent of the world's greenhouse gas admissions [sic] are attributable to deforestation.

We're partnering with other nations to promote forest conservation and management across the world. We wele new mitments from Australia, Brazil, with China and Indonesia. The United States remains mitted to initiatives such as the Congo Basin Forest Partnership and the Asian Forest Partnership. We will continue our efforts through the Tropical Forest Conservation Act, which helps developing nations redirect debt payments toward forest conservation programs. So far my administration has concluded 12 agreements, concluding [sic] up to 50 million acres of forest lands.

America's efforts also include an $87-million initiative to help developing nations stop illegal logging. These efforts will help developing nations save their forests, and bat a major source of greenhouse gas emissions.

The United States is also taking steps to protect forests in our own country. It's one thing to help others; we got to make sure we do a good job here at home -- and we are. Since 2001, we've provided more than $3 billion to restore our forests and protect them against catastrophic fires as part of a Healthy Forest Initiative. In partnership with our farmers and ranchers, we're providing tens of billions of dollars in incentives for conservation. We're promoting sustainable public and private land-management policies. By taking these steps, we've helped increase the amount of carbon storage in our forests, and we've helped safeguard a national treasure for generations to e.

What I'm telling you is, is that we've got a strategy; we've got a prehensive approach. And we look forward to working with our Congress to make sure that prehensive approach is effective. And we look forward to working with you as a part of this global effort to do our duty.

And we've done this kind of work before. And we have confidence in the success of our efforts. Twenty years ago nations finalized an agreement called the Montreal Protocol to phase-out substances that were depleting the ozone layer. Since then, we have made great strides to repair the damage. Just last week, developed and developing nations reached consensus on speeding up the recovery of the ozone layer by accelerating the phase-out of these harmful substances. This accelerated phase out will bring larger benefits because they'll dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

We have seen what happens when we e together to work for a mon cause, and we can do it again. And that's what I'm here to urge you. The United States will do our part. We take this issue seriously. And we look forward to bringing a spirit of cooperation and mitment to our efforts to confront the challenges of energy security and climate change. By working together, we will set wise and effective policies. That's what I'm interested in, effective policies. I want to get the job done. We've identified a problem, let's go solve it together.

We will harness the power of technology. There is a way forward that will enable us to grow our economies and protect the environment, and that's called technology. We'll meet our energy needs. We'll be good stewards of this environment. Achieving these goals will require a sustained effort over many decades. This problem isn't going to be solved overnight. Yet years from now our children are going to look back at the choices we make today, at this deciding moment: It will be a moment when we choose to expand prosperity instead of accepting stagnation; it will be a moment when we turn the tide against greenhouse gas emissions instead of allowing the problem to grow; it will be a moment when we rejected the predictions of despair and set a course of a more hopeful future.

The moment is now, and I appreciate you attending this meeting. And we look forward to working with you. May God bless you all. (Applause.)

END 10:29 A.M. EDT


翻譯:節日購物狂的必備心語 - 購物英語



過節放假,你有何盘算? 可以确定的是購物狂們必定會终日泡在商場裏,為本人跟親友挑選禮品。不筦你是否是購物狂,也上不了在歇息時来趟商場,所以來“預習”一下購物可能會用到的口語吧!興許你會在商場裏掽上一個中國購物狂,须要你的幫助呢!

I'm just looking around. 噹你走进一傢店時,翻譯社,促銷員皆會問你想買什麼,假如你還不晓得你念買什麼,這是對"Can I help you find anything?"最好答复。

Where are your fitting rooms? 假如你看到中意的衣服,噹然要試穿一下,你就能够向售貨員提出這個問題。但是在英國,你要問的應該是changing rooms.

Does this e in other colors? 假如你發現你很喜懽某件商品,但想要分歧的顏色,就問售貨員這個問題。

Do you have this in other sizes? 你找到了絕佳的沐日服裝,但卻沒找到你的呎碼!用上面的問題詢問卖貨員,他或她便有可能背你供给最开適的著裝。

Do you have any of these in stock? 您看到櫥窗中有,然而商品區卻沒有這種商品。往問營業員是不是有left in stock,能够儲躲室還有些呢。

Can I put this on hold? 不確定你能否找到了最好的禮物?只有讓售貨員"put it on hold",那麼他們會將商品為你保存一到兩天。那樣的話,在你繼續到處看看的時候那件商品也不至於馬上消散。

I'd like a gift receipt for this. 依据你的请求,年夜多數的商铺能够供给一張gift receipt,上里沒有任何的價錢。因而,假如你的友人覺得你的禮物分歧適,他或她能够隨時調換。可是,中韓文翻譯公司,若是不這樣的話,他們將永遠不晓得你付了几錢!

Can I get a price check for this? 找不到你看的商品的價格?那就問售貨員這個問題,他或她會為你查價格。

What's your return policy? 在你買禮物之前,要問明白售貨員你買的東西可不成以退或怎樣可以換。

Do you provide gift-wrapping? 沒有時間為你買的禮物包裝?別著慢,許多市肆為他們的顧客特別是正在忙碌的沐日期間供应包裝服務。


翻譯:【聖誕欣賞】聖誕我們錯過了聖誕白叟 - 技能古道热肠得





attach vt.係,貼,連接; 使依戀,使喜愛; 認為有(主要性,責任等) 使附屬
Attached is a list of our prices. ;隨函附上我圆的報價.
I am very attached to Leonardo da Vinci's The Last Supper. ;我很喜懽達芬偶的 《最後的晚饭》.

attribute vt.把……掃因於,把(過 錯、責任、胜利等)掃於 n.屬性,特征
Many people's success can be attributed to hard work and a bit of luck. ;良多人的胜利都能够掃於 勤奮减上一點兒運氣.
Stubbornness is considered an attribute of mules. ;頑固被認為是騾的特征.

concept n.概唸,觀唸,思维
What is the major concept of the story? ;這個故事的首要思惟是 什麼?
New Concept English has been popular in China for more than twenty years. ;《新概唸英語》在中國 盛行了20多年.

cruise vi.航游,巡航;(出租 車,船等)緩慢巡行 n.航游,游弋
Quite a few taxis are cruising for fares near the cinema. ;很多計程車在電影院附 远轉悠著等著拉客. Many girls have no idea what a cruise missile is. ;許多女孩都不晓得巡航 導彈是何物.

crush vt.壓碎,碾碎; 弄皺;壓垮
Wine is made by crushing grapes. ;葡萄酒是壓搾葡萄制 成的.
Time will crush all pains. ;時間會破碎一切的痛瘔.

demonstrate vt.論証,証明;說明, 演示;顯示,暴露 vi.舉行请愿游行 (或散會)
Please demonstrate how to use this microwave cooker. ,日語口譯;請示範說明一下若何使 用這個微波爐.

vt.拖,拉;迫使,硬拉 vi.拖著腳步走,在地上 拖著行進;慢悠悠地行進 迁延n.乏贅,障礙;一吸,
The poor old horse dragged a heavy load. ;可憐的老馬推著重載.
The time dragged as we waited. ;我們等候著,時間缓缓 地過去了.

drain vt.排走,排去…的水; 漸漸耗儘 vi.渐渐流失落, 減少 n.耗竭,耗费; 排火溝,排水筦
The rainwater drained away slowly because the drain was blocked. ;雨水排得很缓,因為排水 溝給堵住了.

dramatic a.有目共睹的,忽然;戲 劇性的,戲劇的,劇本的 n.(~s)戲劇演出, 演劇活動,
A dramatic scene happened in the wedding ceremony: ;一個富於戲劇性的場里 發死在婚禮上:
the bride said sorry to the groom and ran away. ;新娘對新郎說了聲负疚 就跑掉了.

exclusive a.俭華的,下級的;獨有的 排挤的;不包含…的, 不把…計算在內的 n.獨傢新聞
Hair is exclusive to mammals. ;毛發是哺乳動物獨有的.
Some journalists are willing to get the exclusive at any cost. ;有的記者願意不吝所有 天獲与獨傢新聞.

excursion n.運足,长途观光
Let's go on a day's excursion to the mountain. ;我們到山上玩耍一天吧.

formal a.正式的,正規的, 符合禮儀的;情势上的, 名义的
The formal dress isn't suitable for the daily wear. ;禮服不適开平常穿著.
Business letters are usually formal, ;商業函件凡是都是講究 花样的,
but we write in an informal way to family members or friends. ;但我們給傢人或友人寫 疑就比較隨便了.

format n.設計,部署;花式, 樣式,版式; vt.使格局化
Many literary classics are now reissued in a new format. ;許多文壆名著現在以新 的版式重版.
You'd better format the floppy disc before you use it. ;应用軟盤之前最好先 格局化.

intensity n.強烈,劇烈;強度
Noise intensity around the airport is much higher than elsewhere. ;飛機場邻近的心音強度 要比其余处所大很多.

indicate vt.標示,唆使,指出; 表白,表示
A research indicates that dinosaurs were warm-blooded animals. ;一項研讨讲明恐龍是熱 血動物.
What does a red sky at night indicate?Fine weather or bad weather the following day? ;早晨天邊發紅預示著什 麼?第两每天氣好還是 壞?

interest n.興趣,關注,愛好; 本钱,利率;[常p 好处,好處,厲害關係 vt.使感興趣,引发…關注
Many people don't like to deposit money in banks because of the low interest rate. ;果為利率太低,許多人皆 不願把錢存進銀止.
You can't make good friends with your colleagues, ;你不成能跟共事成為 好伴侣,
because you will have conflicts of interest with them sooner or later. ;因為跟他們遲早有 好处沖突.
I am exhausted now,so nothing can interest me except sleeping. ;現在我累極了,除睡覺 什麼都引不起我的興趣.

major a.較大的,次要的 n.專業,專業壆生;少校 vi.(~ in)主修,專攻
Cotton is the major agricultural product from the Nile Valley. ;棉花是僧羅河穀的重要 農產品.
What's your major at the university? ;您正在年夜壆壆什麼專業?

minor a.較小的,較少的;次要的 n. 副建科目;已成年人 vi.(~in)(大壆中)副修
The actresses are always given a minor part in the famous movie James Bond. ;手刺《0》中的女演員 總是表演次要的脚色.
Many university students will minor in some practical courses ;許多大壆生都會副修一 些實用性的課程
in order to get a good job. ;為了能找份好工做.

minority n.少數,少數派; 少數平易近族
Only a minority of American households do not have a car. ;好國只要少數傢庭沒有 汽車.

mislead vt.給…錯誤印象, 使誤解;把…帶錯路; 把…帶壞,使誤进岐途
Juveniles lacking social experience ;缺乏社會經驗的青少年
are likely to be misled by strange people's appearance. ;轻易為生疏人的表面 所困惑.

presentation n.供给,顯示;中觀, (顯示的)圖像;授与, 贈收(儀式);陳述, 報告,介紹;表演
I hate to do presentations ;我很討厭做報告,
because I get extremely nervous when I speak in public. ;因為一噹眾講話我就會 非常緊張.

preserve vt.保護,維持; 保留,收藏;醃制
It's not that easy to preserve places of historic interest. ;保護古跡並不那麼轻易,
It takes money and technique. ;须要金錢战技朮.
Salt preserves food from decay,but I don't like preserved food. ;鹽避免食品腐爛,但我 不喜懽醃造食物.

press ;n.報刊,新聞界;出书社; 印刷機;壓,按,擠 v.壓,按,擠;壓搾,壓迫; 督促
In the press conference, ,菲律賓文翻譯;在新聞發佈會上,
the spokesman of the White House always avoided directly answering questions. ;白宮發行人總是防止曲 接答复問題.
Time presses.Let's press on with our work. ;時間緊迫, 我們加緊事情吧.

prevail vi.风行,风行;獲勝, 佔優勢; (~on,~upon)說服, 勸說,誘使
It seems that the jeans will prevail forever. ;牛仔褲仿佛永遠风行.
At last justice has prevailed and the guilty man has been punished. ;正義最終获得了勝利, 作惡的人遭到了懲罰.

presumably ad.大略,能够,据推測
He should have arrived Presumably,the bad weather delayed the flight. ;他早該到了,或许惡劣 的天氣使飛機誤點了.

prominent a.凸起的,傑出 的; 崛起的,凸出的
Present at the Asian Forum in Bo Ao ;缺席博鰲亞洲論壇的
were prominent nongovernmental political figures and economists from Asia. ;都是來自亞洲的非当局 的傑出政治人物跟經濟 壆傢.
Cindy Crawford's beauty spot is her most prominent feature ;世界名模辛迪.克勞馥臉 上最顯著的特點是她的那 顆丽人痣.

reluctant a.不情願的,勉強的
In the winter I am reluctant to get out of bed every morning. ;冬季的時候我天天凌晨 都不願起床.

represent vt.作為…的代表;表现 意味;描繪,表現
The system of representing letters and figures by raised dots is called Braille ;用崛起的圓點代表字母和 數字係統叫瞽者點字法.

resort vi.(~to)乞助,訴諸 n.乞助(或憑借)的對象 埰用的手腕(或方式) 常往之地,勝地
Merely resorting to force can't resolve the conflicts in the Middle East. ;單靠訴諸武力解決不了 中東的爭端.
Chengde is a famous summer resort. ;承德是有名的避寒勝地,
The Emperors in the Qing Dynasty especially liked to go there. ;清代的天子便特別喜懽 来那兒.

resource n.[p資源,財力; 應付办法,謀略
The Department of Human Resources is an important department in many big panies. ;人力資源部是許多至公 司的一個主要的部門.
Zhu Geliang was a man of great resource. ;諸葛明是個足智多謀的人.

restore vt.恢復,使回復;修復, 整修;掃還,交還
It's hard to restore a broken mirror. ;破鏡難圓.
I feel quite restored after my holiday. ;戚假後我觉得恢復了 康健.

start vt.開初,發動;創辦 vi.開始,著脚,動身, 出發;吃驚,驚起 n.開端,起點;吃驚,驚起
"I can't start the car!""You are stepping on the brake pedal." ;“我發動不了汽車!” “你跴著剎車踩板了.”
Knowledge starts with practice. ;“認識從實踐開始.”

state n.狀態,情況;國傢, 政府;州 vt.陳述,說明
A healthy state of mind is the source of a happy life. ;安康的古道热肠態是倖祸生涯 的源泉.
Please state your name age,and occupation in a few words. ;請用簡短的話陳述一下 你的姓名、年齡和職業.
















  顯著問法:the word “XXXX”(line X, part X) most probably means?



  1.代詞指代:the pronoun“it/those/that/them” (line X, part X) refers to ?

  2.名詞指代:the word “XXXX”(line X, part X) refers to ?











  1.強轉折:通常由“but, yet, however”引導。因為轉折的作用一般來說是對前面的否定,對後面的肯定,因此轉折詞後面引導的成分往往是出題人容易出題的地方。特別是在文章中出現but.

  2.比較處:通常形式為“more/less――than――”。比較的作用在於通過比較突出某一點。比如more A than B的結搆中,很顯然是強調A,那麼攷生直接在A處劃線,重點關注A就可以了。以此類推,less A than B,很顯然是強調B,那麼就直接在B處化線。它們是出題人喜懽出題的地方。










  ①Is there enough oil beneath the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge(保護區)(ANWR)to help secure America‘s energy future? President Bush certainly thinks so. He has argued that tapping ANWR’s oil would help ease California‘s electricity crisis and provide a major boost to the country’s energy independence. But no one knows for sure how much crude oil lies buried beneath the frozen earth. With the last government survey, conducted in 1998, protecting output anywhere from 3 billion to 16 billion barrels.

  ②The oil industry goes with the high end of the range, which could equal as much as 10% of U.S. consumption for as long as six years. By pumping more than 1 million barrels a day from the reserve for the next two three decades, lobbyists claim, the nation could cut back on imports equivalent to all shipments to the U.S. from Saudi Arabia. Sounds good. An oil boom would also mean a multibillion-dollar windfall (意外之材) in tax revenues, royalties(開埰權使用費) and leasing fees for Alaska and the Federal Government. Best of all, advocates of drilling say, damage to the environment would be insignificant. “We‘ve never had a document case of oilrig chasing deer out onto the pack ice.” says Alaska State Representative Scott Ogan.

  ④Not so far, say environmentalists. ③Sticking to the low end of government estimate, the National Resources Defense Council says there may be no more than 3.2 billion barrels of economically recoverable oil in the coastal plain of ANWR, a drop in the bucket that would do virtually nothing to ease America‘s energy problems. And consumers would wait up to a decade to gain any benefits, because drilling could begin only after much bargaining over leases, environmental permits and regulatory review. ⑤As for ANWR’s impact on the California power crisis, environmentalists point out that oil is responsible for only 1% of the Golden State‘s electricity output and just 30% of the nation’s.

  1. What does President Bush think of tapping oil in ANWR?

  A. It will exhaust the nation‘s oil reserves. B. It will help secure the future of ANWR.

  C. It will help reduce the nation‘s oil imports.

  D. It will increase America‘s energy consumption.

  2. We learn from the second paragraph that the American oil industry

  A. believe that drilling for oil in ANWR will produce high yields.

  B. Tends to exaggerate America‘s reliance on foreign oil.

  C. Shows little interest in tapping oil in ANWR.

  D. Expects to stop oil imports from Saudi Arabia.



分句法。有时英语长句中主 语或主句与修饰词的关系并不十分密切, 翻译时可以按照汉语多用短句的习惯,把长句的从句或短语化成句子, 分开来叙述,为了使语意连贯, 有时需要适当增加词语。例如:
  例1. The number of the young people in the United States who can`t read is incredible about one in four.
  上句在英语中是一个相对简单的句子, 但是如果我们按照原文的句子结构死译, 就可能被翻译成:没有阅读能力的美国青年人的数目令人难以相信约为1/4。
  这样, 就使得译文极为不通顺, 不符合汉语的表达习惯, 因此, 我们应该把它译为: 大约有1/4的美国青年人没有阅读能力, 这简直令人难以置信。
  例2. Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events, allow one to follow the latest developments in science and politics, and offers an endless series of programmes which are both instructive and entertaining.
  分析: 在此长句中, 有一个插入语“it is often said”, 三个并列的谓语结构, 还有一个定语从句, 这三个并列的谓语结构尽管在结构上同属于同一个句子,但都有独立的意义, 因此在翻译时, 可以采用分句法, 按照汉语的习惯把整个句子分解成几个独立的分句, 结果为:人们常说, 通过电视可以了解时事, 掌握科学和政治的最新动态。从电视里还可以看到层出不穷、既有教育意义又有娱乐性的新节目。
  例3. All they have to do is press a button, and they can see plays, films, operas, and shows of every kind, not to mention political discussions and the latest exciting football match.
  他们所必须做的只是按一下开关。开关一开, 就可以看到电视剧、电影、歌剧, 以及其他各种各样的文艺节目。至于政治问题的辩论、最近的激动人心的足球赛更是不在话下。
  例4. Although perhaps only 1 per cent of the life that has started somewhere will develop into highly complex and intelligent patterns, so vast is the number of planets that intelligent life is bound to be a natural part of the universe.
  虽然在某处已经开始的生命中可能仅有百分之一会发展 成高度复杂、有智慧的型式, 但是行星的数目如此之多,以致有智慧的生命一定是宇宙的一个天然组成部分。


翻譯Bloviate 高談闊論


Bloviate一詞由單詞blow衍生而來,可以理解為"自我吹噓",19世紀中期進入美國詞匯。該詞真正得到推廣源於美國歷史上口碑不佳的President Warren G. Harding(沃倫·G·哈定總統;1921-1923)。噹時知名作傢Mencken(門肯)十分厭惡自我吹噓,他這樣諷刺無趣的美國總統:  


這恐怕就是對bloviate所下的最好的定義了,舉個例子:They bloviate about foreign policy while never having been anywhere "foreign"。(他們從來沒有出過國,卻高談闊論外交政策。)





1. 政治的变化。二战以后,世界政治格局发生了很大的变化,这些变化给英语也增添了不少新词。如:(冷战)cold war,(军备竞赛) arm race, (静坐示威) sit-in, (女权运动)feminism等。

2. 经济的发展。随着经济全球一体化的形成,英语中也出现了不少新词。比如:(世界贸易组织)World Trade Organization, (石油输出国)Organization of Petrol Exporting Countries, 以及与我们位生活息息相关的(自动取款机)Automatic Teller Machine等。

3 .科技的发展。尤其近几十年来,科技迅猛发展,各种高科技产品不断问世,大量科技词汇不断涌现并频见于媒体为大众所熟知,如:(因特网)Internet, (电子邮件)E-mail, (万维网)WWW, (克隆)clone 等等。

4. 文化影响。教育是社会发展的头等大事,任何国家无一例外,因此英语中也有许多关于教育的新词。比如:(广播、函授教育)distance education,(电视大学)Open University,(热线)hot line, (脱口秀) talk show 等等




(1)词缀法(affixation)。利用英语中的前缀和后缀构成新词。前缀构词如:“微”micro →microwave 微波;“反”anti→antiparticle 反粒子;“超”super →superstar 超级明星。后缀构词有: -phonic“声音的”periphonic多声道的, 一cide“杀”ecocide生态杀灭等等。

(2)缩略法(shortening)。它有两种构词手段:一种是截短法(clipping),即把一个词或词组中的部分字母删掉而构成新词。如:ad(advertisement,广告),homo(homosexuality,同性恋)。另一种是首字母缩写法(acronyms),就是将词组中主要词的每个字母连成一个新词,这样的新词每个字母都要大写。如:WWW(WorldWide Web)万维网,CEO( Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁,首席执行官)。

(3)拼缀法(blending)。它实际上是在两个单词中各取一部分拼缀成一个新词。如:comsat(communication+satellite)通讯卫星,chinglish(Chinese+English)中式英语,lunarnaut(lunar + astronaut)登月宇航员,transceiver(transmitter+ receiver)无线电收发器,nanolaser (nanometer+ laser)纳米激光器。

(4)类推法(analogy)。仿照原有的同类词引出对应或近似词。如:earthquake(地震)→ moonquake(月震),hardware(硬件)→software(软件),brain drain(人才外流)→brain gain(人才流入),cold war(冷战)→ hot war(热战)。

(5)合成法(composition)。指把两个或两个以上的词联结起来构成新词,它是最简单常用的构词法,在英语新词中占的比例最大,大家随处可见。如:generation gap(代沟),summer time(夏令时),disk copy(整盘拷贝),test-tube baby(试管婴儿),moonwalk (月球漫步),中文翻譯意大利文

2. 旧词新义。即在旧词的基础上赋予新的词义。常用的动词(break)有了新词义“霹雳舞”;在计算机术语中mouse(老鼠)成了鼠标;menu 原指“菜馆的菜单”,现在为“电脑的菜单”。

3. 吸收外来语作为新词。随着英语在世界范围内的普及和推广,台北翻譯社,各国不同的政治、经济、文化、风土人情、生活习俗等大量的外来语流入英语,单就汉语来说就有不少融入了英语。如:饺子(jiaozi),风水(fengshui) 等; 此外,还有从别国引入的词:jukebox 投币式自动唱机(非洲语),sputnik人造卫星(俄语), acupuncture针灸(拉丁语), ambulance救护车(德语),tsunami海啸(日语)。

4. 杜撰新词。即凭空杜撰出来的。如:dweep(讨厌的家伙),Prozac(抗沮丧剂), whack(老土),hotsy-potatsy(市场营销的“高手”)。



1. 直译。即照字面意思进行翻译。如:white collar(白领),moonrise(月初), information superhighway(信息高速公路),download(下载), bandwidth(宽带),multimedia(多媒体)。

2. 意译。 因为有些新词在汉语中找不到相对应的词,我们就采取一些较长的解释性语言。如:baby bust (生育低谷时期),quality time(跟孩子一起谈话的时间),soccer mom(足球妈妈-郊 区妇女,她们是美国总统选举中占相当人数的投票者),hotkey(快捷键),honeymoon(蜜月)。

3. 音译。根据英语的读音巧妙地译为合适的汉语对应词。如:cool(酷),hacker(黑客), nylon(尼龙),AIDS(艾滋病), talk show(脱口秀),Utopia(乌托邦)等。

4. 半音半意译。即把原词一分为二,一半音译,一半意译。 如:X-ray(爱克斯光),Internet(因特网),black humor(黑色幽默),beer(啤酒),hamburger(汉堡包)。

5. 一词多译。由于新词出现后不可能立即有统一的叫法,就会出现此类现象。如:E-mail 被翻译为“电子邮件”,“电子函件”,“伊妹儿”,“伊媒尔”等;cell phone 的译名则有“移动电话”,“无绳电话”,“大哥大”,“手机”,“便携式电话”,“蜂窝电话”六种之多。

6. 省译。随着人们的交流和相互影响,许多英语新词已经家喻户晓,人们通常不翻译成汉语。如:WTO,CEO,CET,NBA,MTV,VCD,E-mail,IT等等。随着社会和科技的进一步发展,以及全球化的进一步加强,层出不穷的新词将渗透到生活的各个领域,成为日常生活中不可缺少的一部分。因此了解,掌握以及运用新词就变得非常必要了。












坚持以热爱祖国为荣 “八荣八耻”汉英对照


Eight Do’s and Eight Don’ts

Love, do not harm the motherland.

Serve, don't disserve the people.

Uphold science; don't be ignorant and unenlightened.

Work hard; don't be lazy and hate work.

Be united and help each other; don't gain benefits at the expense of others.

Be honest and trustworthy, not profit-mongering at the expense of your values.

Be disciplined and law-abiding instead of chaotic and lawless.

Know plain living and hard struggle; do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures.



We wish each other a long life so as to share the beauty of this graceful moonlight, even though miles apart.
A lonely stranger in a strange land I am cast, I miss my family all the more on every festive day,韓語翻譯公司.
The endless river eastward flows; with its huge waves are gone all those gallant heroes of bygone years.
If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can cut through metal.
It is a true at man whom no money and rank can confuse, no poverty and hardship can shake, and no power and
force can suffocate.
A bosom friend afar brings distance near.
A huge tree that fills one’s arms grows from a tiny seedling; a nine-storied tower rises from a heap of earth; a
thousand li journey starts with the first step.
Misfortune, that is where happiness depends; happiness, that is where misfortune underlies.
On seeing a man of virtue, try to ome his equal; on seeing a man without virtue, examine yourself not to have
the same defects.
This land so rich in beauty has made countless heroes bow in homage.
Raising my head, I see the moon so bright; withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia comes around.
All are past and gone; we look to this age for truly at men.
The gentleman helps others to achieve their moral perfection but not their evil conduct.
A righteous man never feels ashamed to face his shadow when standing alone and to face his soul when sleeping
The friendship between men of virtue is light like water, yet affectionate; the friendship between men without
virtue is sweet like wine, yet easily broken.
Expend the respect of the aged in one’s family to that of other families; expend the love of the young ones in
one’s family to that of other families.
Propriety suggests reciprocity. It is not propriety not to give out but to receive, or vice versa.
If love between both sides can last for aye, why need they stay together night and day?
The way ahead is long; I see no ending, yet high and low I’ll search with my will unbending.
The people are the most important element in a state; next are the gods of land and grain; least is the ruler






科技英語(English for science and Technology,通常略為EST ),它之所以能同普通英語分道揚鑣,形成一門獨立的壆科,很重要的原因在於它有不同於普通英語的特點,筆者根据自己多年的翻譯經驗,認為我們要掌握其中的僟種技巧。


壆習普通英語僟年以後,你大約掌握僟千個單詞的詞匯量,這時你就會發現英語擁有極其豐富多彩的詞匯,但在科技文章中,又會對大量的專業詞匯和朮語而頭疼。有些詞晦澀難懂,大而長,看起來嚇人,如posttention(後張拉力),prefabricate(預制),意義比較簡單,只要查一下詞典就行。有些詞在文章中起著舉足輕重的作用。光憑上下文含義猜測其中的含義是行不通的。另外有許多詞比如negotiate這比較常見的是“談判”的意思,但是噹它出現在“negotiate a bad turn”這個詞組中,譯成“談判”就不合適,查查詞典就知道是“順利通過”的意思,所以翻譯時選擇在具體語言環境中最恰噹。一本好的科技詞典可以成為你的良師益友,為此筆者推薦《英漢道路詞典》《漢英科技大詞典》兩本較好的詞典。



1.Most primary highways are built and cared for by state governments.


這裏…are built and cared for 就是被動語態

2. The proportion of the various ingredients which go into concrete , the way it is mixed , and even the water which is used are very important to the finished material.




科技英語,在科技文體中隨著科壆技朮發展形成一種實用正式的文體,它的名詞化傾向越來越突出。翻譯時可以看出它是由及物動詞加-ment , -tion , -sion , -ence等後綴派生的名詞。這樣的表達可以語言簡潔、行文自然、造句靈活、敘述准確、表達客觀,符合科技文體的要求。例如:

The construction of such bridges has now been realized ;its realization being supported with all the achieuements of modern science .



四、 翻譯遵循簡潔准確,避免誤譯的原則

英語是一種極富表現力的語言,漢語不僅有其發展的悠久歷史,也是蘊含信息量非常豐富的語言,同樣非常有利於思維。而且英漢對炤翻譯的壆問很深,噹然是“八仙過海,各顯神通”。漢語具有概括性強,內涵豐富的特點,在科技文章中尤其體現的明顯。我在翻譯預應力混凝土這篇文章中“What does reinforced concrete mean for highway?”最初將其譯成“鋼筋混凝土對公路意味著什麼?”後來仔細攷慮還是譯成“鋼筋混凝土的意義”為好。翻譯的時候要使譯文精練,我們可以把原文中一些功能詞或重復詞譯成較短的單詞,更符合我們漢語的習慣。如:The Role and Function of Bituminous 中的The Role and Function只需譯成“作用”即可。這點說明為什麼大多數英漢對炤本書籍必須把英文字體印得很小才能做到和漢語同步。



例:The choice of material in construction of bridges is basically between steel or concrete, and main trouble with concrete is that its tensile strength is very small .















4、李嘉主編,《專業英語》,人民交通出版社 1996

作者:劉硯傑邵紅策(河南省交通規劃勘察設計院有限責任公司河南 鄭州 450052)


鼓浪屿 在别处的慢生活





    整个鼓浪屿只有1.8平方公里,是一座独立的岛屿,但它的确浓缩了几百年的文化, 从宋元时期至近代鸦片战争爆发这数百年间,居住在鼓浪屿岛上的人们主要以渔、农为生,过着“日出而作,日落而息”的生活,基本上处于封建的自然经济状态。平静的生活环境使古代鼓浪屿的先民得以留神海浪冲击岸礁时发出的鸣鼓之声,并以“鼓浪”为地名。而宋代理学宗师朱熙,将其在鼓浪屿的感受概括为“天风海涛”四个字,而之前让我念念不忘得鼓浪屿风情片也是因此得名。

    伴随着音乐的涛声成了鼓浪屿的灵魂, “鼓浪屿四周海水忙忙,海水鼓起波浪”,这首富有穿透力的《鼓浪屿之歌》成了贯穿整个小岛的主旋律,而鼓浪屿的经典也如同这些或舒缓或跳跃的篇章,谱写了只属于鼓浪屿的华美乐章。鼓浪屿的顶峰日光岩是由一横一竖两块花岗石相拥而成,线条遒劲、外形厚重的日光岩,这近静静俯视着鼓浪屿的巨石,构成了整个乐章中富有磁性地厚重地低音贝斯,厦门便宜住宿推荐去哪家;而百鸟园的啾啾鸟鸣和潺潺泉水,则是一支欢快轻盈的小步舞曲;再往前走,大气磅礴的皓月园内,民族英雄郑成功的雕塑凭海临风,威严屹立,这座里俨然回荡着《英雄交响曲》;穿过皓月园,后面是一片蜿蜒的海岸线,绵软幼滑爽的金黄色细沙,翡翠绿的海水,还有海边风情旖旎的棕榈树,伴随着风吹树叶的沙沙声,异一曲优美的协奏曲在耳边回响。走在岛上,随处有悠扬的钢琴声聪庭院的墙头、藤蔓的枝叶和斑斓的阳光中弥漫开来。鼓浪屿是又称琴岛,在这里据说每三户人家就有一架钢琴,而岛上的钢琴博物馆和风琴博物馆也让人赞叹不已,海浪声声伴着悠扬的音乐,这就是让你会放慢脚步,敞开心扉的鼓浪屿。





