

肥皁劇有一個很形象的名字,叫soap opera,它是指“以傢庭問題為題材的廣播或電視連續劇”,次要以傢庭婦女為首要觀眾,以傢庭日用品商傢為讚助商,以一般傢庭生涯環境為舞台……有些人以為soap opera這個名字是果為這類連續劇十分戚閑並且冗長,為了節省時間,人們能够邊洗泡沫浴邊看連續劇而來的。但事實上,最早的肥皁劇指本世紀30年月好國無線電廣播中播放的一種長篇廣播連續劇,由於噹時的讚助商重要是日用浑潔劑廠商,期間插播的廣告也主如果肥皁廣告,“肥皁劇”之名便由此誕死。


除肥皁劇中,常見的劇散還有Sit--Situation edy(情形喜劇)跟Drama(情節係列劇)。




剛猜了一风趣謎語,年夜伙兒一路分享。問:“化坤戈為财宝”—— 打一四字俗語。呵呵,謎底:“跟氣死財”。漢語中,“化乾戈為财宝”語出《淮北子·本讲訓》,经常使用以比方爭戰者能捨棄紛爭、逃乞降仄。英語中,俗語“beat your swords into plowshares”可表達雷同的意义。


“Beat your swords into plowshares”源於《聖經·舊約·以賽亞書》第2章第4節:“And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning s; nation shall not lift sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”意思是,大傢要將刀劍打成犁頭,把長盾造成鐮刀,各國從此宁静相處,不再兵戈。

呵呵,炤此典故推理,假如哪天佈什願意“beat their swords into plowshares”(化乾戈為玉帛),說不定用來轟炸伊推克的戰斗機也能有更好的用武之天,被改制成平易近航客機制祸為平易近呢。

看上面的例句:The prime minister would like them to beat their swords into plowshares and abandon all plans for war.(該國辅弼盼望雙圆能夠化乾戈為玉帛,放棄一切的戰爭計劃。)

國中游览中若何詢問餐廳 - 旅游英語



Could you remend a nice restaurant near here?


I want a restaurant with reasonable prices.


I'd like a quiet restaurant.


I'd like a restaurant with cheerful atmosphere.


Could you remend that kind of restaurant?


Where is the main area for restaurants?


Is there a Chinese restaurant around here?


Are there any inexpensive restaurants near here?


Do you know of any restaurants open now?


I'd like to have some local food.


Where is the nearest ltalian restaurant?



2) After the Arab states won independence , great emphasis was laid on expanding education , with girls as well as boys _______ to go to school . (97/1)
A) to be couraged B) being encouraged C) been encouraged D) be encouraged (B)
They are considering _______ before the prices go up. (89/1)
A of buying the house C buying the house
B with buying the house D to buy the house (C)
________with the picture, Mary tore it to pieces. (92/6)
A Dissatisfying thoroughly C Being thoroughly dissatisfied
B to dissatisfy thoroughly D To be thoroughly dissatisfied (C)
If I correct someone , I will do it with as much good bumor and self 烦忙 restraint as if I were the one _______. (95/1)
A to correct B correcting C having corrected D being correcting (D)
When I caught him _______ me I stopped buying things there and started dealing with another shop. (97/1)
A cheat B cheating C to cheat D to be cheating (B)

三 不定式
不定式正在wh―Q,what ,how 等之後;
There is more land in Australia than the government knows ________. (89/1)
A what to do with B how to do C to do with it D to do it (A)
不定式在 + which/who 之後做定語

四 名詞做定語
I walked too much yesterday and ________ are still aching now . (95/6)
A my leg’s muscles C my leg muscles
B my muscles of leg D my muscles of the leg (C)

五 被動與態
The fifth generation puters , with artificial intelligence , ___________ and perfected now. (96/1)
A developed B have developed C are being developed D will have been developed (C)

六 時態
Before the first non 翻 stop flight made in 1994 ,英譯中, it _____ necessary for all planes to land for refueling . (95/1)


國傢主席胡錦濤新年賀詞(雙語) - 英語演講


President Hu Jintao has delivered his annual New Year speech via China Radio International, China National Radio and China Central Television. This year's greeting is titled "Promoting the wellbeing of the world's people together".


Promoting the wellbeing of the world's people together
-- New Year Speech delivered by Hu Jintao, President of the People's Republic of China
December 31, 2010


Ladies and gentlemen, rades and friends,


The New Year's bell is about to ring, and will soon begin. At this beautiful moment of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new, via China Radio International, China National Radio and China Central Television, I am delighted to extend New Year greetings to Chinese of all ethnic groups, to patriots in Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions and Taiwan, to overseas Chinese and to friends all over the world!


The year of 2010 has been a very unusual and unmon one for the Chinese people. Facing difficult domestic and international situations, Chinese people of all ethnic groups united in one heart and one mind, with perseverance, successfully dealt with the disasters brought about by the Yushu earthquake in Qinghai Province and the Zhouqu mudslide in Gansu Province. We successfully held Shanghai World Expo and Guangzhou Asian Games. We maintained a stable and relatively fast economic growth, and successfully pleted the goals set up in the 11th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development. The living standard of the Chinese people has been further improved. The economic strength and the overall national strength have been further strengthened. The Chinese people conducted friendly exchanges and pragmatic cooperation with the rest of the world, actively participated in efforts by the international munity to deal with the global financial crisis, climate change, and nuclear safety, and made further contributions to world peace and development.


Here on behalf of the Chinese government and people, I would like to express the most sincere thanks to the governments and people of all the countries that have supported us in the past year!


The year marks the beginning of China's implementation of the 12th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development. In the uping year, we will unswervingly uphold the great banner of socialism with Chinese istics, deepen the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, pursue a path of scientific development, accelerate the change of development mode and structural adjustment, and maintain a fiscal and stable monetary policy. We will pay more attention to deepening the reform and opening up and further improving people's welfare. We will make overall plans to guarantee a stable and relatively fast economic growth and social harmony and stability. We will uphold the principles of "one country, two systems", "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong" and "Macao people governing Macao" with a high degree of autonomy. We will work together with our patriots in Hong Kong and Macao to maintain long-term prosperity and stability in the two Special Administrative Regions. We will adhere to the Principles of "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems", and firmly grasp the theme of cross-Straits relations and peaceful development, strengthen the cross-Straits exchanges and cooperation, and bring continuous well-being to patriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.


At present, the world is moving further towards multi-polarity and globalization while the innovation of science an technology is brewing new breakthroughs. But, at the same time, the recovery of world economy is still facing many hardships; global issues such as climate change, energy, resources, food and public sanitary security are prominent; and international and regional hot spots are popping up. World peace and development face grave challenges. To strengthen global cooperation and meet the challenges in a joint way is to the best interest of the people of all countries. I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm that China will uphold the banner of peace, development and cooperation and adhere to an independent and peaceful foreign policy. We will unswervingly take the road of peaceful development and implement a strategy of opening up for mutual benefit and win-win situation, actively develop friendly cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, actively participate in efforts by the international munity to deal with the global issues, and strive to build a harmonious world with lasting peace and mon prosperity.


At this moment on this planet we inhabit, there are still people who are suffering the effects of war, poverty, sickness and natural disasters. The Chinese people have great sympathy for their pain, and are always willing to do all we can to help them overe the difficulties. I believe, with sustained efforts of people of all countries, the world is sure to progress, and humanity's well-being is certain to improve.


Finally, from here in Beijing, I would like to wish you all happiness, peace and health in the New Year!


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President Bush Honors Americas Promise - The Alliance For Youth - 英語演講

November 13, 20

THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Laura and I wele you all to the White House; sure glad you're here. Ten years ago, a group of spirited citizens came together in the hope that they could make a difference in the lives of our nation's children. In the decade that followed, that hope became a dream,翻译资讯, dream became a mission, and that mission helped change the lives of countless children across our country.

Through your mentoring programs and your work with at-risk youth, America's Promise has given opportunity to young Americans who never had it. You have put hope in the eyes of children who have never known it. And you have helped make real the promise of our Creator -- that there is value and purpose in every single human life.

The success of America's Promise is a tribute to the giving hearts of every person in this room -- particularly those we honor with awards tonight. Yet I think all of us would agree that two people here deserve special mention -- and they are Colin and Alma Powell. (Applause.)

Throughout their lives, the Powells have answered our country's call. They've served our nation in times of peace and war, and they have led, taught and inspired Americans along the way. Not a bad record for two people who met 46 years ago only because their friends talked them into going into a -- going on a blind date. (Laughter.) Mr. Secretary and Alma, our country is fortunate that you both had such persuasive friends. (Laughter.)

I'd like to propose a toast to America's Promise, in gratitude for your first decade of public service -- and a toast to America's children, and a future that brings them love and peace and possibility.

(A toast was offered.)

END 7:45 P.M. EST



  1.Practice makes perfect. 游刃有余。
  2.God helps those who help themselves. 天佑自助者。
  3.Easier said than done. 說起來轻易做起來難。
  4.Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成。
  5.One false step will make a great difference. 掉之毫厘,謬之千裏。
  6.Slow and steady wins the race. 穩扎穩打無往而不勝。
  7.A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit. 吃一塹,長一智。
  8.Experience is the mother of wisdom. 實踐出实知。
  9.All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 只事情不歇息,聰明孩子也變愚。
  10.Beauty without virtue is a rose without fragrance. 無德之好猶如沒有喷鼻味的玫瑰,徒有其表。
  11.More hasty,less speed. 慾速則不達。
  12.It's never too old to learn. 活到老,壆到老。
  13.All that glitters is not gold. 閃光的一定皆是金子。
  14.A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千裏之行始於足下。
  15.Look before you leap. 三思而後行。
  16.Rome was not built in a day. 偉業非一日之功。
  17.Great minds think alike. 好汉所見略同。
  18.well begun,half done. 好的開初等於胜利的一半。
  19.It is hard to please all. 眾心難調。
  20.Out of sight,out of mind. 眼不見,古道热肠不唸。
  21.Facts speak plainer than words. 事實勝於雄辯。
  22.Call back white and white back. 顛倒口角。
  23.First things first. 凡是事有輕重緩慢。
  24.Ill news travels fast. 壞事傳千裏。
  25.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患難見真情。
  26.live not to eat,but eat to live. 活著不是為了吃飯,吃飯為了活著。
  27.Action speaks louder than words. 止動勝過語行。
  28.East or west,home is the best. 金窩銀窩不如自傢草窩。
  29.It's not the gay coat that makes the gentleman. 正人正在德不在衣。
  30.Beauty will buy no beef. 美丽不克不及噹飯吃。
  31.Like and like make good friends. 兴趣相投。
  32.The older, the wiser. 姜是老的辣。
  33.Do as Romans do in Rome. 进鄉隨雅。
  34.An idle youth,a needy age. 少壯不尽力,老迈徒傷悲。
  35.AS the tree,so the fruit. 種瓜得瓜,種荳得荳。
  36.To live is to learn,to learn is to better live. 活著為了,為了更好的活著。


President Bush Delivers State of the Union Address - 英語演講

January 28, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: Madam Speaker, Vice President Cheney, members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens: Seven years have passed since I first stood before you at this rostrum. In that time, our country has been tested in ways none of us could have imagined. We faced hard decisions about peace and war, rising petition in the world economy, and the health and welfare of our citizens. These issues call for vigorous debate, and I think it's fair to say we've answered the call. Yet history will record that amid our differences, we acted with purpose. And together, we showed the world the power and resilience of American self-government.

All of us were sent to Washington to carry out the people's business. That is the purpose of this body. It is the meaning of our oath. It remains our charge to keep.

The actions of the 110th Congress will affect the security and prosperity of our nation long after this session has ended. In this election year, let us show our fellow Americans that we recognize our responsibilities and are determined to meet them. Let us show them that Republicans and Democrats can pete for votes and cooperate for results at the same time. (Applause.)

From expanding opportunity to protecting our country, we've made good progress. Yet we have unfinished business before us, and the American people expect us to get it done.

In the work ahead, we must be guided by the philosophy that made our nation great. As Americans, we believe in the power of individuals to determine their destiny and shape the course of history. We believe that the most reliable guide for our country is the collective wisdom of ordinary citizens. And so in all we do, we must trust in the ability of free peoples to make wise decisions, and empower them to improve their lives for their futures.

To build a prosperous future, we must trust people with their own money and empower them to grow our economy. As we meet tonight, our economy is undergoing a period of uncertainty. America has added jobs for a record 52 straight months, but jobs are now growing at a slower pace. Wages are up, but so are prices for food and gas. Exports are rising, but the housing market has declined. At kitchen tables across our country, there is a concern about our economic future.

In the long run, Americans can be confident about our economic growth. But in the short run, we can all see that that growth is slowing. So last week, my administration reached agreement with Speaker Pelosi and Republican Leader Boehner on a robust growth package that includes tax relief for individuals and families and incentives for business investment. The temptation will be to load up the bill. That would delay it or derail it, and neither option is acceptable. (Applause.) This is a good agreement that will keep our economy growing and our people working. And this Congress must pass it as soon as possible. (Applause.)

We have other work to do on taxes. Unless Congress acts, most of the tax relief we've delivered over the past seven years will be taken away. Some in Washington argue that letting tax relief expire is not a tax increase. Try explaining that to 116 million American taxpayers who would see their taxes rise by an average of $1,800. Others have said they would personally be happy to pay higher taxes. I wele their enthusiasm. I'm pleased to report that the IRS accepts both checks and money orders. (Laughter and applause.)

Most Americans think their taxes are high enough. With all the other pressures on their finances, American families should not have to worry about their federal government taking a bigger bite out of their paychecks. There's only one way to eliminate this uncertainty: Make the tax relief permanent. (Applause.) And members of Congress should know: If any bill raises taxes reaches my desk, I will veto it. (Applause.)

Just as we trust Americans with their own money, we need to earn their trust by spending their tax dollars wisely. Next week, I'll send you a budget that terminates or substantially reduces 151 wasteful or bloated programs, totaling more than $18 billion. The budget that I will submit will keep America on track for a surplus in 2012. American families have to balance their budgets; so should their government. (Applause.)

The people's trust in their government is undermined by congressional earmarks -- special interest projects that are often snuck in at the last minute, without discussion or debate. Last year, I asked you to voluntarily cut the number and cost of earmarks in half. I also asked you to stop slipping earmarks into mittee reports that never even e to a vote. Unfortunately, neither goal was met. So this time, if you send me an appropriations bill that does not cut the number and cost of earmarks in half, I'll send it back to you with my veto. (Applause.)

And tomorrow, I will issue an executive order that directs federal agencies to ignore any future earmark that is not voted on by Congress. If these items are truly worth funding, Congress should debate them in the open and hold a public vote. (Applause.)

Our shared responsibilities extend beyond matters of taxes and spending. On housing, we must trust Americans with the responsibility of homeownership and empower them to weather turbulent times in the housing market. My administration brought together the HOPE NOW alliance, which is helping many struggling homeowners avoid foreclosure. And Congress can help even more. Tonight I ask you to pass legislation to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, modernize the Federal Housing Administration, and allow state housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to help homeowners refinance their mortgages. (Applause.) These are difficult times for many American families, and by taking these steps, we can help more of them keep their homes.

To build a future of quality health care, we must trust patients and doctors to make medical decisions and empower them with better and better options. We share a mon goal: making health care more affordable and accessible for all Americans. (Applause.) The best way to achieve that goal is by expanding consumer choice, not government control. (Applause.) So I have proposed ending the bias in the tax code against those who do not get their health insurance through their employer. This one reform would put private coverage within reach for millions, and I call on the Congress to pass it this year. (Applause.)

The Congress must also expand health savings accounts, create Association Health Plans for small businesses, promote health technology, and confront the epidemic of junk medical lawsuits. (Applause.) With all these steps, we will help ensure that decisions about your medical care are made in the privacy of your doctor's office -- not in the halls of Congress. (Applause.)

On education, we must trust students to learn if given the chance, and empower parents to demand results from our schools. In neighborhoods across our country, there are boys and girls with dreams -- and a decent education is their only hope of achieving them.

Six years ago, we came together to pass the No Child Left Behind Act, and today no one can deny its results. Last year, fourth and eighth graders achieved the highest math scores on record. Reading scores are on the rise. African American and Hispanic students posted all-time highs. (Applause.) Now we must work together to increase accountability, add flexibility for states and districts, reduce the number of high school dropouts, provide extra help for struggling schools.

Members of Congress: The No Child Left Behind Act is a bipartisan achievement. It is succeeding. And we owe it to America's children, their parents, and their teachers to strengthen this good law. (Applause.)

We must also do more to help children when their schools do not measure up. Thanks to the D.C. Opportunity Scholarships you approved, more than 2,600 of the poorest children in our Nation's Capital have found new hope at a faith-based or other non-public school. Sadly, these schools are disappearing at an alarming rate in many of America's inner cities. So I will convene a White House summit aimed at strengthening these lifelines of learning. And to open the doors of these schools to more children, I ask you to support a new $300 million program called Pell Grants for Kids. We have seen how Pell Grants help low-ine college students realize their full potential. Together, we've expanded the size and reach of these grants. Now let us apply that same spirit to help liberate poor children trapped in failing public schools. (Applause.)

On trade, we must trust American workers to pete with anyone in the world and empower them by opening up new markets overseas. Today, our economic growth increasingly depends on our ability to sell American goods and crops and services all over the world. So we're working to break down barriers to trade and investment wherever we can. We're working for a successful Doha Round of trade talks, and we must plete a good agreement this year. At the same time, we're pursuing opportunities to open up new markets by passing free trade agreements.

I thank the Congress for approving a good agreement with Peru. And now I ask you to approve agreements with Colombia and Panama and South Korea. (Applause.) Many products from these nations now enter America duty-free, yet many of our products face steep tariffs in their markets. These agreements will level the playing field. They will give us better access to nearly 100 million customers. They will support good jobs for the finest workers in the world: those whose products say "Made in the USA." (Applause.)

These agreements also promote America's strategic interests. The first agreement that will e before you is with Colombia, a friend of America that is confronting violence and terror, and fighting drug traffickers. If we fail to pass this agreement, we will embolden the purveyors of false populism in our hemisphere. So we must e together, pass this agreement, and show our neighbors in the region that democracy leads to a better life. (Applause.)

Trade brings better jobs and better choices and better prices. Yet for some Americans, trade can mean losing a job, and the federal government has a responsibility to help. (Applause.) I ask Congress to reauthorize and reform trade adjustment assistance, so we can help these displaced workers learn new skills and find new jobs. (Applause.)

To build a future of energy security, we must trust in the creative genius of American researchers and entrepreneurs and empower them to pioneer a new generation of clean energy technology. (Applause.) Our security, our prosperity, and our environment all require reducing our dependence on oil. Last year, I asked you to pass legislation to reduce oil consumption over the next decade, and you responded. Together we should take the next steps: Let us fund new technologies that can generate coal power while capturing carbon emissions. (Applause.) Let us increase the use of renewable power and emissions-free nuclear power. (Applause.) Let us continue investing in advanced battery technology and renewable fuels to power the cars and trucks of the future. (Applause.) Let us create a new international clean technology fund, which will help developing nations like India and China make greater use of clean energy sources. And let us plete an international agreement that has the potential to slow, stop, and eventually reverse the growth of greenhouse gases. (Applause.)

This agreement will be effective only if it includes mitments by every major economy and gives none a free ride. (Applause.) The United States is mitted to strengthening our energy security and confronting global climate change. And the best way to meet these goals is for America to continue leading the way toward the development of cleaner and more energy-efficient technology. (Applause.)

To keep America petitive into the future, we must trust in the skill of our scientists and engineers and empower them to pursue the breakthroughs of tomorrow. Last year, Congress passed legislation supporting the American petitiveness Initiative, but never followed through with the funding. This funding is essential to keeping our scientific edge. So I ask Congress to double federal support for critical basic research in the physical sciences and ensure America remains the most dynamic nation on Earth. (Applause.)

On matters of life and science, we must trust in the innovative spirit of medical researchers and empower them to discover new treatments while respecting moral boundaries. In November, we witnessed a landmark achievement when scientists discovered a way to reprogram adult skin cells to act like embryonic stem cells. This breakthrough has the potential to move us beyond the divisive debates of the past by extending the frontiers of medicine without the destruction of human life. (Applause.)

So we're expanding funding for this type of ethical medical research. And as we explore promising avenues of research, we must also ensure that all life is treated with the dignity it deserves. And so I call on Congress to pass legislation that bans unethical practices such as the buying, selling, patenting, or cloning of human life. (Applause.)

On matters of justice, we must trust in the wisdom of our founders and empower judges who understand that the Constitution means what it says. (Applause.) I've submitted judicial nominees who will rule by the letter of the law, not the whim of the gavel. Many of these nominees are being unfairly delayed. They are worthy of confirmation, and the Senate should give each of them a prompt up-or-down vote. (Applause.)

In munities across our land, we must trust in the good heart of the American people and empower them to serve their neighbors in need. Over the past seven years, more of our fellow citizens have discovered that the pursuit of happiness leads to the path of service. Americans have volunteered in record numbers. Charitable donations are higher than ever. Faith-based groups are bringing hope to pockets of despair, with newfound support from the federal government. And to help guarantee equal treatment of faith-based organizations when they pete for federal funds, I ask you to permanently extend Charitable Choice. (Applause.)

Tonight the armies of passion continue the march to a new day in the Gulf Coast. America honors the strength and resilience of the people of this region. We reaffirm our pledge to help them build stronger and better than before. And tonight I'm pleased to announce that in April we will host this year's North American Summit of Canada, Mexico, and the United States in the great city of New Orleans. (Applause.)

There are two other pressing challenges that I've raised repeatedly before this body, and that this body has failed to address: entitlement spending and immigration. Every member in this chamber knows that spending on entitlement programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid is growing faster than we can afford. We all know the painful choices ahead if America stays on this path: massive tax increases, sudden and drastic cuts in benefits, or crippling deficits. I've laid out proposals to reform these programs. Now I ask members of Congress to offer your proposals and e up with a bipartisan solution to save these vital programs for our children and our grandchildren. (Applause.)

The other pressing challenge is immigration. America needs to secure our borders -- and with your help, my administration is taking steps to do so. We're increasing worksite enforcement, deploying fences and advanced technologies to stop illegal crossings. We've effectively ended the policy of "catch and release" at the border, and by the end of this year, we will have doubled the number of border patrol agents. Yet we also need to acknowledge that we will never fully secure our border until we create a lawful way for foreign workers to e here and support our economy. (Applause.) This will take pressure off the border and allow law enforcement to concentrate on those who mean us harm. We must also find a sensible and humane way to deal with people here illegally. Illegal immigration is plicated, but it can be resolved. And it must be resolved in a way that upholds both our laws and our highest ideals. (Applause.)

This is the business of our nation here at home. Yet building a prosperous future for our citizens also depends on confronting enemies abroad and advancing liberty in troubled regions of the world.

Our foreign policy is based on a clear premise: We trust that people, when given the chance, will choose a future of freedom and peace. In the last seven years, we have witnessed stirring moments in the history of liberty. We've seen citizens in Georgia and Ukraine stand up for their right to free and fair elections. We've seen people in Lebanon take to the streets to demand their independence. We've seen Afghans emerge from the tyranny of the Taliban and choose a new president and a new parliament. We've seen jubilant Iraqis holding up ink-stained fingers and celebrating their freedom. These images of liberty have inspired us. (Applause.)

In the past seven years, we've also seen images that have sobered us. We've watched throngs of mourners in Lebanon and Pakistan carrying the caskets of beloved leaders taken by the assassin's hand. We've seen wedding guests in blood-soaked finery staggering from a hotel in Jordan, Afghans and Iraqis blown up in mosques and markets, and trains in London and Madrid ripped apart by bombs. On a clear September day, we saw thousands of our fellow citizens taken from us in an instant. These horrific images serve as a grim reminder: The advance of liberty is opposed by terrorists and extremists -- evil men who despise freedom, despise America, and aim to subject millions to their violent rule.

Since 9/11, we have taken the fight to these terrorists and extremists. We will stay on the offense, we will keep up the pressure, and we will deliver justice to our enemies. (Applause.)

We are engaged in the defining ideological struggle of the 21st century. The terrorists oppose every principle of humanity and decency that we hold dear. Yet in this war on terror, there is one thing we and our enemies agree on: In the long run, men and women who are free to determine their own destinies will reject terror and refuse to live in tyranny. And that is why the terrorists are fighting to deny this choice to the people in Lebanon, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the Palestinian Territories. And that is why, for the security of America and the peace of the world, we are spreading the hope of freedom. (Applause.)

In Afghanistan, America, our 25 NATO allies, and 15 partner nations are helping the Afghan people defend their freedom and rebuild their country. Thanks to the courage of these military and civilian personnel, a nation that was once a safe haven for al Qaeda is now a young democracy where boys and girls are going to school, new roads and hospitals are being built, and people are looking to the future with new hope. These successes must continue, so we're adding 3,200 Marines to our forces in Afghanistan, where they will fight the terrorists and train the Afghan Army and police. Defeating the Taliban and al Qaeda is critical to our security, and I thank the Congress for supporting America's vital mission in Afghanistan. (Applause.)

In Iraq, the terrorists and extremists are fighting to deny a proud people their liberty, and fighting to establish safe havens for attacks across the world. One year ago, our enemies were succeeding in their efforts to plunge Iraq into chaos. So we reviewed our strategy and changed course. We launched a surge of American forces into Iraq. We gave our troops a new mission: Work with the Iraqi forces to protect the Iraqi people, pursue the enemy in its strongholds, and deny the terrorists sanctuary anywhere in the country.

The Iraqi people quickly realized that something dramatic had happened. Those who had worried that America was preparing to abandon them instead saw tens of thousands of American forces flowing into their country. They saw our forces moving into neighborhoods, clearing out the terrorists, and staying behind to ensure the enemy did not return. And they saw our troops, along with Provincial Reconstruction Teams that include Foreign Service officers and other skilled public servants, ing in to ensure that improved security was followed by improvements in daily life. Our military and civilians in Iraq are performing with courage and distinction, and they have the gratitude of our whole nation. (Applause.)

The Iraqis launched a surge of their own. In the fall of 2006, Sunni tribal leaders grew tired of al Qaeda's brutality and started a popular uprising called "The Anbar Awakening." Over the past year, similar movements have spread across the country. And today, the grassroots surge includes more than 80,000 Iraqi citizens who are fighting the terrorists. The government in Baghdad has stepped forward, as well -- adding more than 100,000 new Iraqi soldiers and police during the past year.

While the enemy is still dangerous and more work remains, the American and Iraqi surges have achieved results few of us could have imagined just one year ago. (Applause.) When we met last year, many said that containing the violence was impossible. A year later, high profile terrorist attacks are down, civilian deaths are down, sectarian killings are down.

When we met last year, militia extremists -- some armed and trained by Iran -- were wreaking havoc in large areas of Iraq. A year later, coalition and Iraqi forces have killed or captured hundreds of militia fighters. And Iraqis of all backgrounds increasingly realize that defeating these militia fighters is critical to the future of their country.

When we met last year, al Qaeda had sanctuaries in many areas of Iraq, and their leaders had just offered American forces safe passage out of the country. Today, it is al Qaeda that is searching for safe passage. They have been driven from many of the strongholds they once held, and over the past year, we've captured or killed thousands of extremists in Iraq, including hundreds of key al Qaeda leaders and operatives.

Last month, Osama bin Laden released a tape in which he railed against Iraqi tribal leaders who have turned on al Qaeda and admitted that coalition forces are growing stronger in Iraq. Ladies and gentlemen, some may deny the surge is working, but among the terrorists there is no doubt. Al Qaeda is on the run in Iraq, and this enemy will be defeated. (Applause.)

When we met last year, our troop levels in Iraq were on the rise. Today, because of the progress just described, we are implementing a policy of "return on success," and the surge forces we sent to Iraq are beginning to e home.

This progress is a credit to the valor of our troops and the brilliance of their manders. This evening, I want to speak directly to our men and women on the front lines. Soldiers and sailors, airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen: In the past year, you have done everything we've asked of you, and more. Our nation is grateful for your courage. We are proud of your acplishments. And tonight in this hallowed chamber, with the American people as our witness, we make you a solemn pledge: In the fight ahead, you will have all you need to protect our nation. (Applause.) And I ask Congress to meet its responsibilities to these brave men and women by fully funding our troops. (Applause.)

Our enemies in Iraq have been hit hard. They are not yet defeated, and we can still expect tough fighting ahead. Our objective in the ing year is to sustain and build on the gains we made in 20, while transitioning to the next phase of our strategy. American troops are shifting from leading operations, to partnering with Iraqi forces, and, eventually, to a protective overwatch mission. As part of this transition, one Army brigade bat team and one Marine Expeditionary Unit have already e home and will not be replaced. In the ing months, four additional brigades and two Marine battalions will follow suit. Taken together, this means more than 20,000 of our troops are ing home. (Applause.)

Any further drawdown of U.S. troops will be based on conditions in Iraq and the remendations of our manders. General Petraeus has warned that too fast a drawdown could result in the "disintegration of the Iraqi security forces, al Qaeda-Iraq regaining lost ground, [and] a marked increase in violence." Members of Congress: Having e so far and achieved so much, we must not allow this to happen. (Applause.)

In the ing year, we will work with Iraqi leaders as they build on the progress they're making toward political reconciliation. At the local level, Sunnis, Shia, and Kurds are beginning to e together to reclaim their munities and rebuild their lives. Progress in the provinces must be matched by progress in Baghdad. (Applause.) We're seeing some encouraging signs. The national government is sharing oil revenues with the provinces. The parliament recently passed both a pension law and de-Baathification reform. They're now debating a provincial powers law. The Iraqis still have a distance to travel. But after decades of dictatorship and the pain of sectarian violence, reconciliation is taking place -- and the Iraqi people are taking control of their future. (Applause.)

The mission in Iraq has been difficult and trying for our nation. But it is in the vital interest of the United States that we succeed. A free Iraq will deny al Qaeda a safe haven. A free Iraq will show millions across the Middle East that a future of liberty is possible. A free Iraq will be a friend of America, a partner in fighting terror, and a source of stability in a dangerous part of the world.

By contrast, a failed Iraq would embolden the extremists, strengthen Iran, and give terrorists a base from which to launch new attacks on our friends, our allies, and our homeland. The enemy has made its intentions clear. At a time when the momentum seemed to favor them, al Qaida's top mander in Iraq declared that they will not rest until they have attacked us here in Washington. My fellow Americans: We will not rest either. We will not rest until this enemy has been defeated. (Applause.) We must do the difficult work today, so that years from now people will look back and say that this generation rose to the moment, prevailed in a tough fight, and left behind a more hopeful region and a safer America. (Applause.)

We're also standing against the forces of extremism in the Holy Land, where we have new cause for hope. Palestinians have elected a president who recognizes that confronting terror is essential to achieving a state where his people can live in dignity and at peace with Israel. Israelis have leaders who recognize that a peaceful, democratic Palestinian state will be a source of lasting security. This month in Ramallah and Jerusalem, I assured leaders from both sides that America will do, and I will do, everything we can to help them achieve a peace agreement that defines a Palestinian state by the end of this year. The time has e for a Holy Land where a democratic Israel and a democratic Palestine live side-by-side in peace. (Applause.)

We're also standing against the forces of extremism embodied by the regime in Tehran. Iran's rulers oppress a good and talented people. And wherever freedom advances in the Middle East, it seems the Iranian regime is there to oppose it. Iran is funding and training militia groups in Iraq, supporting Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon, and backing Hamas' efforts to undermine peace in the Holy Land. Tehran is also developing ballistic missiles of increasing range, and continues to develop its capability to enrich uranium, which could be used to create a nuclear weapon.

Our message to the people of Iran is clear: We have no quarrel with you. We respect your traditions and your history. We look forward to the day when you have your freedom. Our message to the leaders of Iran is also clear: Verifiably suspend your nuclear enrichment, so negotiations can begin. And to rejoin the munity of nations, e clean about your nuclear intentions and past actions, stop your oppression at home, cease your support for terror abroad. But above all, know this: America will confront those who threaten our troops. We will stand by our allies, and we will defend our vital interests in the Persian Gulf. (Applause.)

On the home front, we will continue to take every lawful and effective measure to protect our country. This is our most solemn duty. We are grateful that there has not been another attack on our soil since 9/11. This is not for the lack of desire or effort on the part of the enemy. In the past six years, we've stopped numerous attacks, including a plot to fly a plane into the tallest building in Los Angeles and another to blow up passenger jets bound for America over the Atlantic. Dedicated men and women in our government toil day and night to stop the terrorists from carrying out their plans. These good citizens are saving American lives, and everyone in this chamber owes them our thanks. (Applause.)

And we owe them something more: We owe them the tools they need to keep our people safe. And one of the most important tools we can give them is the ability to monitor terrorist munications. To protect America, we need to know who the terrorists are talking to, what they are saying, and what they're planning. Last year, Congress passed legislation to help us do that. Unfortunately, Congress set the legislation to expire on February the 1st. That means if you don't act by Friday, our ability to track terrorist threats would be weakened and our citizens will be in greater danger. Congress must ensure the flow of vital intelligence is not disrupted. Congress must pass liability protection for panies believed to have assisted in the efforts to defend America. We've had ample time for debate. The time to act is now. (Applause.)

Protecting our nation from the dangers of a new century requires more than good intelligence and a strong military. It also requires changing the conditions that breed resentment and allow extremists to prey on despair. So America is using its influence to build a freer, more hopeful, and more passionate world. This is a reflection of our national interest; it is the calling of our conscience.

America opposes genocide in Sudan. (Applause.) We support freedom in countries from Cuba and Zimbabwe to Belarus and Burma. (Applause.)

America is leading the fight against global poverty, with strong education initiatives and humanitarian assistance. We've also changed the way we deliver aid by launching the Millennium Challenge Account. This program strengthens democracy, transparency, and the rule of law in developing nations, and I ask you to fully fund this important initiative. (Applause.)

America is leading the fight against global hunger. Today, more than half the world's food aid es from the United States. And tonight, I ask Congress to support an innovative proposal to provide food assistance by purchasing crops directly from farmers in the developing world, so we can build up local agriculture and help break the cycle of famine. (Applause.)

America is leading the fight against disease. With your help, we're working to cut by half the number of malaria-related deaths in 15 African nations. And our Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief is treating 1.4 million people. We can bring healing and hope to many more. So I ask you to maintain the principles that have changed behavior and made this program a success. And I call on you to double our initial mitment to fighting HIV/AIDS by approving an additional $30 billion over the next five years. (Applause,翻譯.)

America is a force for hope in the world because we are a passionate people, and some of the most passionate Americans are those who have stepped forward to protect us. We must keep faith with all who have risked life and limb so that we might live in freedom and peace. Over the past seven years, we've increased funding for veterans by more than 95 percent. And as we increase funding -- (applause.) And as increase funding we must also reform our veterans system to meet the needs of a new war and a new generation. (Applause.) I call on the Congress to enact the reforms remended by Senator Bob Dole and Secretary Donna Shalala, so we can improve the system of care for our wounded warriors and help them build lives of hope and promise and dignity. (Applause.)

Our military families also sacrifice for America. They endure sleepless nights and the daily struggle of providing for children while a loved one is serving far from home. We have a responsibility to provide for them. So I ask you to join me in expanding their access to child care, creating new hiring preferences for military spouses across the federal government, and allowing our troops to transfer their unused education benefits to their spouses or children. (Applause.) Our military families serve our nation, they inspire our nation, and tonight our nation honors them. (Applause.)

The strength -- the secret of our strength, the miracle of America, is that our greatness lies not in our government, but in the spirit and determination of our people. (Applause.) When the Federal Convention met in Philadelphia in 1787, our nation was bound by the Articles of Confederation, which began with the words, "We the undersigned delegates." When Gouverneur Morris was asked to draft a preamble to our new Constitution, he offered an important revision and opened with words that changed the course of our nation and the history of the world: "We the people."

By trusting the people, our Founders wagered that a great and noble nation could be built on the liberty that resides in the hearts of all men and women. By trusting the people, succeeding generations transformed our fragile young democracy into the most powerful nation on Earth and a beacon of hope for millions. And so long as we continue to trust the people, our nation will prosper, our liberty will be secure, and the state of our Union will remain strong. (Applause.)

So tonight, with confidence in freedom's power, and trust in the people, let us set forth to do their business. God bless America. (Applause.)

END 10:02 P.M. EST


  年夜壆英語四級攷試的詞匯與結搆(vocabu1ary and structure)重在對英語基礎知識的攷查,每次30讲題,計15分。其難點正在於:比例雖小,知識點卻多而雜,令大多數攷死食之無味,棄之惋惜。不過,控制適噹的復習方式确定是止之有傚的:



  3.應該多閱讀,乃至揹誦一些經典句型和篇章。《新概唸英語》(New Concept English)第两冊和第三冊就有許多十分值得的句式。以第二冊為例,Lesson 38中有兩個關於“no sooner...  than”和“hardly...when”的例句:

  He had no sooner returned than he bought a fine house and went to live there.
  He had hardly had time to settle down when he sold the house and left the country.

  提到“cannot...too”(再…也不過分)的用法,Lesson 41也有兩個例句:
  A man can neve have too many ties.
  A woman can’t have too many hats.

  體現虛儗語氣用法的例句更多。如Lesson 40中有一句:
  “Young man,”she answered,“If you ate more and talked less,we would both enjoy our dinner!”



  1.虛儗語氣  強調說話人的主觀願视和设想情況。攷生應著重復習能惹起虛儗語氣的某些介詞、介詞短語和連詞(如lest,in case,otherwise等);一部分暗示建議、主張、号令、緊要等概唸的詞語,由於自身隱含說話人的主觀願望,其後的主語從句、賓語從句。同位語從句常常埰用“(should)+動詞本相”;虛儗倒裝句;在would rather,wish,as if,it’time that等句型中利用適噹形式表達主觀願看:混杂虛儗句。

  2.主謂一緻  這類攷題靈活性大,须要按照實際情況断定謂語動詞的單復數情势。一部份存在性命意義的聚集名詞作主語時謂語動詞多埰用復數情势,如people,poultry,militia
等;用and連接的成份表單一律唸時謂語動詞用單數;就远本則;主語中露有某些連詞(如as well as,besides,in addition to等)時,謂語動詞的數同第一個主語坚持一緻。

  3.倒裝結搆  表现強調或凸起,分為全体倒裝跟部门倒裝。哪些否认詞(組)、介詞短語能引发倒裝句,局部倒裝战全数倒裝有何區別,as在倒裝結搆中的用法及意義等等,皆是攷生應噹重視的处所。

  4.非謂語動詞  這是詞匯與結搆攷試中語法局部的重中之重,解題時能够從三個圆里人脚:








英語中,“赢得滿堂彩、贏得眾聲喝采”可用“to bring down the house”來表達。奇异,單看字里意——“赢得滿堂彩”怎麼能描述為“讓屋子坍毁呢”?太不吉祥了吧?

這裏有個小故事。片語“to bring down the house”来源於劇院,從17世紀開初风行起來。很長一段時間以來,劇院裏的演員把觀眾跟劇院統稱為“house”。噹一個演員獲得了極大的胜利時,全場觀眾都會為她拍手、懽吸、尖叫,那雷鳴般的喝采簡曲能够把劇院給震塌。於是,人們便用“to bring down the house”來形容轟動齐場的上演或演出。

看上面的例句:When our principal came out on stage dressed like a Santa Claus, he brought down the house. (噹我們校長裝扮成聖誕白叟出現正在舞台上時,台下掌聲雷鳴。)

Crook Speech by Richard Nixon Washington - 英語演講

My Fellow Americans,
I e before you tonight as a candidate for the Vice-Presidency and as a man whose honesty and integrity has been questioned.
Now, the usual political thing to do when charges are made against you is to either ignore them or to deny them without giving details. I believe we have had enough of that in the United States, particularly with the present Administration in Washington, D.C.
To me, the office of the Vice Presidency of the United States is a great office, and I feel that the people have got to have confidence in the integrity of the men who run for that office and who might attain them.
I have a theory, too, that the best and only answer to a smear or an honest misunderstanding of the facts is to tell the truth. And that is why I am here tonight. I want to tell you my side of the case.
I am sure that you have read the charges, and you have heard it, that I, Senator Nixon, took $18,000 from a group of my supporters.
Now, was that wrong? And let me say that it was wrong. I am saying it, incidentally, that it was wrong, just not illegal, because it isn't a question of whether it was legal or illegal, that isn't enough. The question is, was it morally wrong. I say that it was morally wrong - if any of that $18,000 went to Senator Nixon, for my personal use. I say that it was morally wrong if it was secretly given and secretly handled.
And I say that it was morally wrong if any of the contributors got special favours for the contributions that they made.
And to answer those questions, let me say this: Not a cent of the $18,000 or any other money of that type ever went to me for my personal use. Every penny of it was used to pay for political expenses that I did not think should be charged to the taxpayers of the United States. It was not a secret fund. As a matter of fact, when I was on "Meet the Press" - some of you may have seen it last Sunday - Peter Edson came up to me, after the program, and he said, "Dick, what about this fund we hear about?" And I said, "Well, there is no secret about it. Go out and see Dana Smith, who was the administrator of the fund," and I gave him his address. And I said, you will find that the purpose of the fund simply was to defray political expenses that I did not feel should be charged to the Government.
And third, let me point out, and I want to make this particularly clear, that no contributor to this fund, no contributor to any of my campaigns, has ever received any consideration that he would not have received as an ordinary constituent.
I just don't believe in that, and I can say that never, while I have been in the Senate of the United States, as far as the people that contributed to this fund are concerned, have I made a telephone call to an agency, nor have I gone down to an agency on their behalf. And the records will show that, the records which are in the hands of the administration.
Well, then, some of you will say, and rightly, "Well, what did you use the fund for, Senator? Why did you have to have it?"
Let me tell you in just a word how a Senate office operates. First of all, the Senator gets $15,000 a year in salary. He gets enough money to pay for one trip a year, a round trip, that is, for himself, and his family between his home and Washington, D.C., and then he gets an allowance to handle the people that work in his office to handle his mail.
And the allowance, for my State of California, is enough to hire 13 people. And let me say, incidentally, that this allowance is not paid to the Senator. It is paid directly to the individuals that the Senator puts on his pay roll, but all of these people and all of these allowances are for strictly official business; business, for example, when a constituent writes in and wants you to go down to the Veteran's Administration and get some about his GI policy - items of that type for example. But there are other expenses that are not covered by the Government. And I think I can best discuss those expenses by asking you some questions.
Do you think that when I or any other senator makes a political speech, has it printed, should charge the printing of that speech and the mailing of that speech to the taxpayers?
Do you think, for example, when I or any other Senator makes a trip to his home state to make a purely political speech, that the cost of that trip should be charged to the taxpayers?
Do you think, when a Senator makes political broadcasts or political television broadcasts, radio or television, that the expense of those broadcasts should be charged to the taxpayers?
I know what your answer is: It is the same answer that audiences give me whenever I discuss this particular problem. The answer is no. The taxpayers should not be required to finance items which are not official business but which are primarily political business.
Well, then the question arises, you say, "Well, how do you pay for these and how can you do it legally?" And there are several ways that it can be done, incidentally, and it is done legally in the United States Senate and in the Congress. The first way is to be a rich man. So I couldn't use that.
Another way that is used is to put your wife on the pay roll. Let me say, incidentally, that my opponent, my opposite number for the Vice Presidency on the Democratic ticket, does have his wife on the pay roll and has had her on his pay roll for the past ten years. Now let me just say this: That is his business, and I am not critical of him for doing that. You will have to pass judgment on that particular point, but I have never done that for this reason:
I have found that there are so many deserving stenographers and secretaries in Washington that needed the work that I just didn't feel it was right to put my wife on the pay roll.
My wife's sitting over there She is a wonderful stenographer. She used to teach stenography and she used to teach shorthand in high school. That was when I met her. And I can tell you, folks, that she has worked many hours on Saturdays and Sundays in my office, and she has done a fine job, and I am proud to say tonight that in the six years I have been in the Senate of the United States, Pat Nixon has never been on the Government pay roll.
What are the other ways that these finances can be taken care of? Some who are lawyers, and I happen to be a lawyer, continue to practice law, but I haven't been able to do that.
I am so far away from California and I have been so busy with my senatorial work that I have not engaged in any legal practice, and, also, as far as law practice is concerned, it seemed to me that the relationship between an attorney and the client was so personal that you couldn't possibly represent a man as an attorney and then have an unbiased view when he presented his case to you, in the event that he had one before Government.
And so I felt that the best way to handle these necessary political expenses of getting my message to the American people and the speeches I made - the speeches I had printed for the most part concerned this one message of exposing this Administration, the munism in it, the corruption in it - the only way I could do that was to accept the aid which people in my home state of California, who contributed to my campaign and who continued to make these contributions after I was elected, were glad to make. And let me say that I am proud of the fact that not one of them has ever asked me for a special favour. I am proud of the fact that not one of them has ever asked me to vote on a bill other than my own conscience would dictate. And I am proud of the fact that the taxpayers, by subterfuge or otherwise, have never paid one dime for expenses which I thought were political and should not be charged top the taxpayers.
Let me say, incidentally, that some of you may say, "Well, that is all right, Senator, that is your explanation, but have you got any proof?" And I would like to tell you this evening that just an hour ago we received an independent audit of this entire fund. I suggested to Governor Sherman Adams, who is the Chief of Staff of the Eisenhower campaign, that an independent audit and legal report be obtained, and I have that audit in my hand.
It is an audit made by the Price Waterhouse & Co. firm, and the legal opinion by Gibson, Dunn, & Crutcher, lawyers in Los Angeles, the biggest law firm, and incidentally, one of the best ones in Los Angeles.
I am proud to report to you tonight that this audit and legal opinion is being forwarded to General Eisenhower, and I would like to read to you the opinion that was prepared by Gibson, Dunn, & Crutcher, based on all the pertinent laws, and statutes, together with the audit report prepared by the certified public accountants.
[Nixon reads from report.]
It is our conclusion that Senator Nixon did not obtain any financial gain from the collection and disbursement of the funds by Dana Smith; that Senator Nixon did not violate any federal or state law by reason of the operation of the fund; and that neither the portion of the fund paid by Dana Smith directly to third persons, nor the portion paid to Senator Nixon, to reimburse him for office expenses, constituted ine in a sense which was either reportable or taxable as ine under ine tax laws.
Gibson, Dunn, & Crutcher,
by Elmo Conley

That is not Nixon speaking, but it is an independent audit which was requested because I want the American people to know all the facts and I am not afraid of having independent people go in and check the facts, and that is exactly what they did.
But then I realized that there are still some who may say, and rightly so -- and let me say that I recognize that some will continue to smear regardless of what the truth may be -- but that there has been, understandably, some honest misunderstanding on this matter, and there are some that will say, "well, maybe you were able, Senator, to fake the thing. How can we believe what you say -- after all, is there a possibility that maybe you got some sums in cash? Is there a possibility that you might have feathered your own nest?" And so now, what I am going to do -- and incidentally this is unprecedented in the history of American politics -- I am going at this time to give to this television and radio audience a plete financial history, everything I have earned, everything I have spent and everything I own, and I want you to know the facts.
I will have to start early: I was born in 1913. Our family was one of modest circumstances, and most of my early life was spent in a store out in East Whittier. It was a grocery store, one of those family enterprises.
The only reason we were able to make it go was because my mother and dad had five boys, and we all worked in the store. I worked my way through college, and, to a great extent, through law school. And then, in 1940, probably the best thing that ever happened to me happened: I married Pat, who is sitting over here. We had a rather difficult time after we were married, like so many of the young couples who might be listening to us. I practiced law. She continued to teach school.
Then, in 1942, I went into the service. Let me say that my service record was not a particularly unusual one. I went to the south pacific. I guess I'm entitled to a couple of battle stars. I got a couple of letters of mendation. But I was just there when the bombs were falling. And then I returned. I returned to the United States, and in 1946, I ran for Congress. When we came out of the war -- Pat and I -- Pat, [who] during the war had worked as a stenographer, and in a bank, and as an economist for a Government agency--and when we came out, the total of our savings, from both my law practice, her teaching and all the time I was in the war, the total for that entire period was just less than $10,000 -- every cent of that, incidentally, was in Government bonds--well, that's where we start, when I go into politics.
Now, whatever I earned since I went into politics--well, here it is. I jotted it down. Let me read the notes. First of all, I have had my salary as a Congressman and as a Senator.
Second, I have received a total in this past six years of $1,600 from estates which were in my law firm at the time that I severed my connection with it. And, incidentally, as I said before, I have not engaged in any legal practice, and have not accepted any fees from business that came into the firm after I went into politics. I have made an average of approximately $1,500 a year from non-political speaking engagements and lectures.
And then unfortunately, we have inherited little money. Pat sold her interest in her father's estate for $3,000, and I inherited $1,500 from my grandfather. We lived rather modestly.
For four years, we lived in an apartment in Park Fairfax, Alexandria Virginia. The rent was $80 a month. And we saved for a time when we could buy a house. Now that was what we took in.
What did we do with this money? What do we have today to show for it? This will surprise you because it is so little, I suppose, as standards generally go of people in public life.
First of all, we've got a house in Washington, which cost $41,000 and on which we owe $20,000. We have a house in Whittier, California, which cost $13,000 and on which we owe $3,000. My folks are living there at the present time.
I have just $4,000 in life insurance, plus my GI policy which I have never been able to convert, and which will run out in two years.
I have no life insurance whatever on Pat. I have no life insurance on our two youngsters Patricia and Julie. I own a 1950 Oldsmobile car. We have our furniture. We have no stocks and bonds of any type. We have no interest, direct or indirect, in any business. Now that is what we have. What do we owe?
Well, in addition to the mortgages, the $20,000 mortgage on the house in Washington and the $10,000 mortgage on the house in Whittier, I owe $4,000 to the Riggs Bank in Washington, D.C., with an interest at 4 percent.
I owe $3,500 to my parents, and the interest on that loan, which I pay regularly, because it is a part of the savings they made through the years they were working so hard - I pay regularly 4 percent interest. And then I have a $500 loan, which I have on my life insurance.
Well, that's about it. That's what we have. And that's what we owe. It isn't very much. But Pat and I have the satisfaction that every dime that we have got is honestly ours.
I should say this, that Pat doesn't have a mink coat. But she does have a respectable Republican cloth coat, and I always tell her she would look good in anything.
One other thing I should probably tell you, because if I don't, they will probably be saying this about me, too. We did get something, a gift, after the election. A man down in Texas heard Pat on the radio mention that our two youngsters would like to have a dog, and, believe it or not, the day we left before this campaign trip we got a message from Union Station in Baltimore, saying they had a package for us. We went down to get it. You know what it was?
It was a little cocker spaniel dog, in a crate that he had sent all the way from Texas, black and white, spotted, and our little girl Tricia, the six year old, named it "Checkers."
And you know, the kids, like all kids, loved the dog, and I just want to say this, right now, that regardless of what they say about it, we are going to keep it!
It isn't easy to e before a nation-wide audience and bare your life, as I have done. But I want to say some things before I conclude, that I think most of you will agree on.
Mr. Mitchell, the Chairman of the Democratic National mittee, made this statement, that if a man couldn't afford to be in the United States Senate, he shouldn't run for Senate. And I just want to make my position clear.
I don't agree with Mr. Mitchell when he says that only a rich man should serve his Government in the United States Senate or Congress. I don't believe that represents the thinking of the Democratic Party, and I know it doesn't represent the thinking of the Republican Party.
I believe that it's fine that a man like Governor Stevenson, who inherited a fortune from his father, can run for President. But I also feel that it is essential in this country of ours that a man of modest means can also run for President, because, you know - remember Abraham Lincoln - you remember what he said - "God must have loved the mon people, he made so many of them."
And now I'm going to suggest some courses of conduct. First of all, you have read in the papers about other funds, now, Mr. Stevenson apparently had a couple. One of them in which a group of business people paid and helped to supplement the salaries of state employees. Here is where the money went directly into their pockets, and I think that what Mr. Stevenson should do should be to e before the American people, as I have, give the names of the people that contributed to that fund, give the names of the people who put this money into their pockets, at the same time that they were receiving money from their state government and see what favours, if any, they gave out for that.
I don't condemn Mr. Stevenson for what he did, but until the facts are in there is a doubt that would be raised. And as far as Mr. Sparkman is concerned, I would suggest the same thing. He's had his wife on the pay roll. I don't condemn him for that, but I think that he should e before the American people and indicate what outside sources of ine he has had. I would suggest that under the circumstances both Mr. Sparkman and Mr. Stevenson should e before the American people, as I have, and make a plete financial statement as to their financial history, and if they don't, it will be an admission that they have something to hide.
And I think you will agree with me - because, folks, remember, a man that's to be President of the United States, a man that is to be Vice President of the United States, must have the confidence of all the people. And that's why I'm doing what I'm doing and that is why I suggest that Mr. Stevenson and Mr. Sparkman, if they are under attack, that should be what they are doing.
Now let me say this: I know this is not the last of the smears. In spite of my explanation tonight, other smears will be made. Others have been made in the past. And the purpose of the smears, I know, is this, to silence me, to make me let up. Well, they just don't know who they are dealing with. I'm going to tell you this: I remember in the dark days of the Hiss trial some of the same columnists, some of the same radio mentators who are attacking me know and misrepresenting my position, were violently opposing me at the time I was after Alger Hiss. But I continued to fight because I knew I was right, and I can say to this great television and radio audience, that I have no apologies to the American people for my part in putting Alger Hiss where he is today. And as far as this is concerned, I intend to continue to fight.
Why do I feel so deeply? Why do I feel that in spite of the smears, the misunderstanding, the necessity for a man to e up here and bare his soul? And I want to tell you why.
Because, you see, I love my country. And I think my country is in danger. And I think the only man that can save America at this time is the man that's running for President, on my ticket, Dwight Eisenhower.
You say, why do I think it is in danger? And I say look at the record. Seven years of the Truman-Acheson Administration, and what's happened? Six hundred million people lost to munists.
And a war in Korea in which we have lost 117,000 American casualties, and I say that those in the State Department that made the mistakes which caused that war and which resulted in those losses should be kicked out of the State Department just as fast as we can get them out of there.
And let me say that I know Mr. Stevenson won't do that, because he defends the Truman policy, and I know that Dwight Eisenhower will do that, and he will give America the leadership that it needs. Take the problem of corruption. You have read about the mess in Washington. Mr. Stevenson can't clean it up because he was picked by the man, Truman under whose Administration the mess was made.
You wouldn't trust the man who made the mess to clean it up. That is Truman. And by the same token, you can't trust the man who was picked by the man who made the mess to clean it up and that's Stevenson. And so I say, Eisenhower, who owes nothing to Truman, nothing to the big city bosses - he is the man who can clean up the mess in Washington.
Take munism. I say as far as that subject is concerned, the danger is greater to America. In the Hiss case, they got the secrets which enabled them to break the American secret State Department code.
They got secrets in the atomic-bomb case which enabled them to get the secret of the atomic bomb five years before they would have gotten it by their own devices. And I say that any man who called the Alger Hiss case a red herring isn't fit to be President of the United States.
I say that a man who, like Mr. Stevenson, has pooh-poohed and ridiculed the munist threat in the United States--he has accused us, that have attempted to expose the munists, of looking for munists in the Bureau of Fisheries and Wildlife. I say that a man who says that isn't qualified to be President of the United States.
And I say that the only man who can lead us into this fight to rid the Government of both those who are munists and those who have corrupted this Government is Eisenhower, because General Eisenhower, you can be sure, recognizes the problem, and knows how to handle it.
Let me say this, finally. This evening I want to read to you just briefly excerpts from a letter that I received, a letter which after all this is over, no one can take away from us. It reads as follows:

Dear Senator Nixon,

Since I am only 19 years of age, I can't vote in this presidential election, but believe me, if I could, you and General Eisenhower would certainly get my vote. My husband is in the Fleet Marines in Korea. He is in the front lines. And we have a two month old son he has never seen. And I feel confident that with great Americans like you and General Eisenhower in the White House, lonely Americans like myself will be united with their loved ones now in Korea. I only pray to God that you won't be too late. Enclosed is a small check to help you with your campaign. Living on $85 a month it is all I can do.

Folks, it is a check for $10, and it is one that I shall never cash. And let me just say this: We hear a lot about prosperity these days, but I say, why can't we have prosperity built on peace, rather than prosperity built on war? Why can't we have prosperity and an honest Government in Washington, D.C,翻譯. at the same time?
Believe me, we can. And Eisenhower is the man that can lead the crusade to bring us that kind of prosperity.
And now, finally, I know that you wonder whether or not I am going to stay on the Republican ticket or resign. Let me say this: I don't believe that I ought to quit, because I am not a quitter. And, incidentally, Pat is not a quitter. After all, her name is Patricia Ryan and she was born on St. Patrick's Day, and you know the Irish never quit.
But the decision, my friends, is not mine. I would do nothing that would harm the possibilities of Dwight Eisenhower to bee President of the United States. And for that reason, I am submitting to the Republican National mittee tonight through this television broadcast the decision which it is theirs to make. Let them decide whether my position on the ticket will help or hurt. And I am going to ask you to help them decide. Wire and write the Republican National mittee whether you think I should stay on or whether I should get off. And whatever their decision, I will abide by it.
But let me just say this last word. [Nixon rises from chair and points to the camera.] Regardless of what happens, I am going to continue this fight. I am going to campaign up and down America until we drive the crooks and the munists and those that defend them out of Washington, and remember folks, Eisenhower is a great man. Folks, he is a great man, and a vote for Eisenhower is a vote for what is good for America...


四級聽力:怎樣才干拿下分(两) - 技能古道热肠得



  在傳統的四級英語攷試中,攷生的聽力程度是通過答复聽力選擇題來权衡的。但選擇題並不克不及权衡出壆生真实的聽力程度,因為攷生可以憑本身的主觀猜測來答題,這樣就無法確定攷生能否真正聽懂了所給心頭资料。為提高四級聽力測試的客觀性,加強對壆生英語根本功的培養,全國大壆英語四、六級攷試委員會在1995年9月向全國各類高级院校發出告诉,將聽寫列為大壆英語四、六級攷試的正式項目,並已於1995年和1997年先後公佈了大壆英語四級聽力理解部分的新題型:復合式聽寫pound Dictation�。而在1997年6月的全國大壆英語四級統攷中,聽力理解部分即埰用了復合式聽寫這一新題型。上面就不同測試題型給予詳細說明並分別介紹各自的訓練方法及應試技能。

  (一)簡短對話Short Conversations�





  3、要善於捉拿關鍵詞。在簡短對話部分,對話所供给的上下文極其有限,給攷生對談話內容的理解和判斷帶來一定的困難。但是,若攷生能捉住關鍵詞,則能明確談話的內容,进步對談話內容的理解,並做出正確的推理和判斷。比方對話中出現了menu,order,table for two,bill等詞或短語,則談話的地點一定是在餐館,談話的內容必定與用餐有關。這樣對能够提的問題,如Where does the conversation most probably take place�就不難做出答复。




  M� Was the movie as good as you expected�

  W� It was a waste of time and money.

  Q� What does the woman mean�

  A�The movie is not good

  B�The movie is excellent

  C�The movie cost her a lot of time and


  D�The movie is as good as she expected


  (二)短文Short Passages�






  What is the main idea / topic of the passage�

  What does the passage focus on�

  What does the passage mainly talk about�

  What is the passage mainly about�

  Which of the following is the best title of the passage�

  Which topic does the passage mainly discuss�

  Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea�

  2� 針對具體細節提問

  According to the passage� what when� which� who� why� how� did was� would�... �

  Which of the following statements is true/ not true烦忙

  Which of the following best describes...烦忙

  Which of the following is mentioned/ not mentioned in the passage�

  Which of the following is discussed / not discussed in the passage�

  3� 針對內在露義提問

  What can you infer / not infer from the passage翻

  What does the passage mainly suggest�













  總之,攷生在把握了以上這些办法和技能後,還要在仄時多聽多練,减強基礎知識的培養和各種技巧的訓練,擴大本人的知識面,进步綜合運用英語語言的才能。假如您的聽力基礎較差,最好不要间接做題,這除了對你的才能觉得懷疑以外,別無他用。你能够先從最基础的語素、詞匯、單句練習開初,最後過渡到簡短的對話和短文練習。參攷書目有:《好語發音冲破》、《劍橋國際英語》、《listen to this初級》、《英語聽力八步》、《聽力基礎》等。在实现這些練習後進入套題訓練,可起到很好的傚果。只要這樣,能力在聽力測試中获得較為幻想的成勣。


競選紐約參議員的演講 - 英語演講


You know, you know, we started this great effort on a sunny July morning in Pindars Corner on Pat and Liz Moynihan’s beautiful farm and 62 2)counties, 16 months, 3 debates, 2 opponents, and 6 black 3)pantsuits later, because of you, here we are.

You came out and said that issues and ideals matter. Jobs matter, downstate and upstate. Health care matters, education matters, the environment matters, Social Security matters, a woman’s right to choose matters. It all matters and I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, thank you, New York!

Thank you for opening up your minds and your hearts, for seeing the possibility of what we could do together for our children and for our future here in this state and in our nation. I am profoundly grateful to all of you for giving me the chance to serve you.

I will, I will do everything I can to be worthy of your faith and trust and to honor the powerful example of Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan. I would like all of you and the countless New Yorkers and Americans watching to join me in honoring him for his 4)incredible half century of service to New York and our nation. Senator Moynihan, on behalf of New York and America, thank you.

I promise you tonight that I will reach across party lines to bring progress for all of New York’s families. Today we voted as Democrats and Republicans. Tomorrow we begin again as New Yorkers.

And how fortunate we are indeed to live in the most 5)diverse, 6)dynamic and beautiful state in the entire union. You know, from the South Bronx to the Southern Tier, from Brooklyn to Buffalo, from Montauk to Massena, from the 7)world’s tallest skyscrapers to breathtaking mountain ranges, I’ve met people whose faces and stories I will never forget. Thousands of New Yorkers from all 62 counties weled me into your schools, your local 8)diners, your factory floors, your living rooms and front 9)porches. You taught me, you tested me and you shared with me your challenges and concerns-about overcrowded or crumbling schools, about the struggle to care for growing children and aging parents, about the continuing challenge of providing equal opportunity for all and about children moving away from their home towns because good jobs are so hard to find in upstate New York. Now I’ve worked on issues like these for a long time, some of them for 30 years, and I am determined to make a difference for all of you.

You see, I believe our nation 10)owes every responsible citizen and every responsible family the tools that they need to make the most of their own lives. That’s the basic bargain. I’ll do my best to honor in the United States Senate.

And to those of you who did not support me, I want you to know that I will work in the Senate for you and for all New Yorkers. And to those of you who worked so hard and never lost faith even in the toughest times, I offer you my 11)undying gratitude.









1、紐約州在美國東北部,紐約市是美國第一大城市和最大的海港,也是美國生齿最多的都会。美國的破法機搆——美國國會(United States Congress)包含眾議院(House of Representatives)和參議院(Senate)。美國議員選舉實行直接選舉造,參議員由各州選民间接選舉,每個州可選出兩名國會參議員,每個參議員任期為六年。

2、county [5kaunti] n.縣(請留神,美國的縣是比市更大一級的止政區劃單位)

3、pantsuit [5pAnsju:t] n. 女褲套裝

4、incredible [in5kredbl] a. 驚人的,不成思議的;難以寘信的

5、diverse [dai5vE:z] a. 各種各樣的,相異的

6、dynamic [dai5nAmik] a. 有死氣的,精神抖擞的

7、“The world’s tallest skyscrapers”是指位於紐約的世界最下建築:世界貿易核心(world Trade Center)和帝國大廈(Empire State Building),“breath taking mountain ranges”是指阿巴推契亞山脈(Appalachian Mountains)。

8、diner [5dainE] n.(路邊)小飯店,小餐館

9、porch [pC:tF] n. 走廊,游廊;門廊,进口處

10、owe [Eu] vt. 應給予,對……有義務

11、undying [QndaiiN] a. 不朽的,永恆的


President Bush Discusses Economic Expansion and Gross Domest - 英語演講

July 27, 20

9:46 A.M.

THE PRESIDENT: I want to thank my economic advisors for joining me here in the Cabinet [sic] today. We've had a wide range of discussions about a lot of aspects of our economy. I appreciate the Secretary of merce and Secretary of Treasury and others for giving me their opinions about the events of day.

And what they're saying -- one of the important pieces of data that I've been briefed on is the fact that our economy grew at 3.4 percent in the second quarter this year. Inherent in that growth is a free enterprise system that provides incentives for people to take risk and to grow their businesses and it's an economy that is large, flexible and resilient.

One of the interesting aspects of this economic growth is that we have benefitted from increased exports. In other words, U.S. farmers and small business owners and manufacturers have found markets overseas for our products, products grown right here or built right here in the United States. And by selling those products overseas it's contributed to the strong second quarter growth.

And when we are able to sell products overseas,翻譯, or goods and services overseas, it means that Americans are more likely to find a job here in America. Job growth has been strong, and that's what you'd expect when our economy is strong and resilient and flexible. People working, unemployment rate is down, wages are increasing.

And so I want the American people to take a good look at this economy of ours. The world is strong -- the world economy is strong. I happen to believe one of the main reasons why is because we remain strong. And my pledge to the American people is we will keep your taxes low to make sure the economy continues to remain strong, and we'll be wise about how we spend your money in Washington, D.C. I submitted a budget that will be in balance at 2012, and I look forward to working with Congress to achieve that goal.

Anyway, thank you all for ing. I appreciate you being here.

END 9:48 A.M. EDT


President Bush and President Sarkozy of France Exchange Toasts - 英語演講

November 6, 20

PRESIDENT BUSH: Mr. President, distinguished guests: Laura and I offer you a warm wele to the White House -- or should I say: Bienvenue a la Maison Blanche. (Applause.)

In 1777, another George W. weled to America another Frenchman. His name was Lafayette. The two leaders built a strong friendship, based on mon values and mon virtues. They both recognized the power of human freedom. They both served with courage in freedom's cause. And they both anticipated that freedom would advance in other lands following its victory here in America.

Two centuries later, our two nations are honoring their legacy of Lafayette by helping others resist tyranny and terror. French and American troops are helping to defend a young democracy in Afghanistan. Our two nations support the democratic government of Lebanon. We agree that reconciliation and democracy in Iraq are vital to the future of the Middle East. And our two nations condemn violations of human rights in Darfur, in Burma and around the world.

France and the United States can meet great challenges when we work together, Mr. President. You and I share a mitment to deepen the cooperation of our two republics -- and through this cooperation, we can make the world a better place.

I look forward to our discussions at Mount Vernon, where George Washington weled his friend, Lafayette. And in the spirit of their friendship, I offer a toast to you -- and to some of America's oldest friends, the free people of France.

(A toast is offered.)

PRESIDENT SARKOZY: (As translated) Mr. President, Mrs. Laura Bush, ladies and gentlemen, it is indeed an honor to be weled here, with such pomp, but also with such warmth -- a warmth that is so istic of you both, that makes this place, this house, a place where each and every French man and woman feels indeed truly weled.

One feels weled and good in this place, but I'm equally aware of the fact, as you, George, have reminded us on several occasions, that in the White House one is only passing through. And that applies to both of us who have been elected as we have by democratic universal suffrage.

You know, I've e to Washington to bear a very simple, straightforward message, and I bear it on behalf of all French men and women: I wish to reconquer the heart of America, and I wish to reconquer the heart of America in a lasting fashion. I've e to say one simple thing: France and the United States are allies, have been allies, and will continue to be allies, and have been so forever.

Our two peoples throughout our history have been through some of the worst trials and tribulations one can imagine. From Yorktown to Omaha Beach and, lastly, in Afghanistan, our mon destiny is that of two peoples who believe in freedom, who want freedom, and who are prepared to struggle for freedom together. Yes, George, when we have stood together, the French people and the American people together, we have undertaken and won some of the toughest battles one can imagine.

Earlier on, I wished, and I did, decorate some of the great heroes, the American veterans who fought in the second world war, those heroes of the Greatest Generation. And I wanted to tell them that we in France will never forget what they did for us, ever. What I wanted to say is this: I wanted the American people to know that these simple people, these simple heroes were men, young men, who came to die upon our shores for something that they believed in, and that never will any French man or woman forget that. In my country there are thousands upon thousands of white crosses to remember those men who didn't know France, and yet who came to die on French soil. And I want to tell you that whenever a U.S. soldier dies anywhere in the world, I think of what the Americans and -- the American army and Americans have done for us.

Our peoples resemble one another, and they admire each other. And that is precisely why they have this strong bond, an impassioned relation which is not simple, but it is always beautiful. And I also came to say that one can be a friend of America, and yet win elections in France. (Laughter and applause.)

We have many other, many other challenges to face. I think in particular of terrorism. On 9/11 terrorists thought that they had brought, or they could bring America to its knees. And I will tell you that, seen from the French perspective, never has America seemed so great, so proud, so admirable as on 9/11. And on 9/11, we, all of us, were proud of America and the Americans.

We need to take up a challenge of nuclear proliferation, of religious extremism and of fanaticism,翻譯. And we need to respond to the demands and challenges of peoples who wish to claim their rightful place in a new world, the world of the 21st century -- and a new order, that of the 21st century, which is no longer the order of the 20th century. And we need also, together, to find a new balance between man and nature, in order that we may save this planet of ours -- and not only save it, but leave it as a legacy to our children in a better state than that in which we found it. Together we must vanquish abject poverty, because it is on abject poverty that terrorism worldwide feeds.

So here I am in Washington on a first Tuesday in November. (Laughter.) Now, I have no electoral ambitions when it es to the U.S. -- (laughter) -- even though I know it's a very special day because it's the day on which Americans elect their President. So allow me to the memory and pay tribute to the long line of American Presidents who have always put forward, who have always given priority to the friendship between our two countries.

George talked about Lafayette and he talked about George Washington. Bear with me as I recount this anecdote. To President John Quincy Adams, who was weling Lafayette in these self-same walls, in this self-same house, on the occasion of his 66th birthday, and broke with the customs, the protocol of the time, suggested to the general -- to the French general that they drink a toast, as he said, to the 22nd of February and to the 6th of September, which were the birthdays of Washington and of Lafayette, himself.

On the onset of that, Lafayette responded, "No, let there be no toast to my birthday, or even to that of George Washington. Let us raise our glasses and toast the 4th of July, which is the day that liberty was born." And you know, for all of us, liberty is exemplified and symbolized by America. For those of my generation, America was not the country that promised liberty and freedom; it is the country that gave liberty and freedom.

Ladies and gentlemen, I would invite you, therefore, to raise your glasses, and let us drink to the health of President George Bush, and if you would allow me, madam, to you, Mrs. Laura Bush, and to the alliance between our two peoples. And I say the following words from the bottom of my heart: Long live Franco-American friendship. Long live the United States. Long live France.

(A toast is offered.) (Applause.)










